
The ICMAB Administration is responsible for all of the administrative processes at the Institute, mainly general accounting, charging and payments and also the accounting of the different research projects. It is also responsible for the inventory, purchasing and public tenders. There have been some new incorporations: A.M Socias, M. Vendrell, M.Contreras, P. Fernández, and A. Fernández, and some people who have left: M. Vàzquez, A. Benet, J. Capell and C. Gimeno.

Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona
Campus de la UAB 08193 Bellaterra, SPAIN
Tel: +(34) 935 801 853
Fax: +(34) 935 805 729
Alejandro Santos 
Anna May-Masnou
Graphic Design
José Antonio Gómez

José Antonio Gómez 
Albert Moreno