Scientific Services

ICMAB scientists are heavily involved in the development of novel enhanced capabilities and characterization techniques. The Institute counts with cross cutting scientific equipment platforms, run by skilled technical staff, that provide advanced technological preparation facilities and characterization tools for all kinds of materials at different levels. These are open to external uses either from academia and industry, with conditions tailored to meet customer technology demands. The Scientific Services include:

Some of the updates in some of the Scientific Services are:

  • X-ray Diffraction Laboratory: a new and versatile equipment was acquired for the X-ray Diffraction Lab: the D8 DISCOVER, an innovative X-ray diffraction instrument perfect for characterizing multipurpose materials and applications, including reflectometry, high-resolution diffractionin-plane diffraction, as well as residual stress and texture investigations.
  • Spectroscopic Techniques Laboratory: Jaume Capell substitues Aana Fernández in the RMN service. At least four publications have used the EPR technique (Vega Lloveras is the responsible of the technique) for the analysis of radical complexes.
  • Scanning probe microscopy: all the equipment has moved to the new laboratory in MATGAS building. A new equipment, Agilent 500, before at MATGAS, has been incorporated to the service. Also, this service counts with a new website with all the updates and news: 
  • Low temperatures and magnetometry service: during 2016, the petition for a new Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS) platform with variable temperature and magnetic field, together with a liquid Helium recycling system was approved.
  • Soft Lab: Soft materials preparation and characterization: the technicians David Piña and Iván Martínez have been incorporated to the SoftLab; a new lab has been created in the MATGAS building, and the Service has been incorporated in the ICTS (Singular Scientific-Technical Infrastructrure) NANBIOSIS.
  • Nanoquim Platform: Oriol Sabeter and Marta Riba incorporated the Nanoquim Platform as technicians.

Electron microscopy service

  • Judith Oró
  • Ana Esther Carrillo

X-ray Diffraction Laboratory

  • Anna Crespi
  • Joan B. Esquius
  • Javier Campos

Thermal Analysis Laboratory

  • Roberta Ceravola

Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Spectroscopic Techniques Laboratory

  • Vega Lloveras
  • Jaume Capell

Thin Films Laboratory

  • Raúl Solanas

Scanning probe microscopy

  • Maite Simón
  • Andrés Gómez

Low temperatures and magnetometry service

  • Bernat Bozzo

Soft Lab: Soft materials preparation and characterization

  • Amable Bernabé

Nanoquim platform

A 200 m2 10,000 class cleanroom specialized in materials nanostructuration.
  • Neus Romà
  • Luigi Morrone
  • Marta Riba
  • Oriol Sabater

Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona
Campus de la UAB 08193 Bellaterra, SPAIN
Tel: +(34) 935 801 853
Fax: +(34) 935 805 729
Alejandro Santos 
Anna May-Masnou
Graphic Design
José Antonio Gómez

José Antonio Gómez 
Albert Moreno