
Our Institute is characterized by its high quality research outcomes and by its highly talented people. At the end of 2016 we counted with more than 4.000 publications, with an average of 220 papers per year, and on April 2016 we reached the astonishing figure of 100,000 cites, with an average ratio of nearly 25 citations per paper and a total h index of 125.

In 2016 ICMAB researchers published 229 articles in international scientific journals, with an average impact factor of 6.26. 75 % of the papers were in first quartile (Q1) journals, and 29 were published in journals with impact factor above 10: in alphabetical order: ACS Nano, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Materials, Angewandte Chemie, Chemical Reviews, Chemical Society Reviews, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Nano Letters, Nature, Nature Communications, Nature Materials, Physics Reports Review Section of Physics Letters and Science.

22 papers were published in Open Access journals, and nearly 60 % are now in the Digital CSIC, the institutional repository of the Spanish National Research Council, which organizes, preserves and provides open access to CSIC research outputs.

The internationality and interdisciplinary of our researchers is also confirmed by the high number of collaborations with other countries’ institutions (317) and also with Universities and CSIC centers (UAB, UPC, UB, UG, IDIBAPS, IMB-CNM), BIST Centers (ICFO, IRB, CRG, ICN2, ICIQ, IFAE, IBEC), other Severo Ochoa and María de Maeztu centers (CRAG, BSC, GSE, DCEXS-UPF, ICCUB-UB, BGSMath, DTIC-UPF, ICTA) and Hospitals and Large Scale facilities (Vall d’Hebron, ALBA Synchrotron), in Catalonia, among others.

Here you can find all the articles ordered by research lines and ranked according to their Impact Factor. Sixteen of them belong to two research lines and are repeated in each one.

Highly cited papers

Five of the publications of 2016 have been considered HIGHLY CITED PAPERS by the Web of Science, i.e. there have been in the top 1 % mostly cited in their category and year worldwide.

The articles correspond to RL1 (Sustainable Energy Conversion and Storage Systems):

  • Palacin, M. R.; de Guibert, A. Why do batteries fail? (2016) Science, 351 (6273), 1253292
  • Ponrouch, A.; Frontera, C.; Barde, F.; Palacin, M. R. Towards a calcium-based rechargeable battery (2016) Nature Materials, 15 (2), pp. 169+
  • Leguy, Aurelien M. A.; Azarhoosh, Pooya; Alonso, M. Isabel; Campoy-Quiles, Mariano; Weber, Oliver J.; Yao, Jizhong; Bryant, Daniel; Weller, Mark T.; Nelson, Jenny; Walsh, Aron; van Schilfgaarde, Mark; Barnes, Piers R. F. Experimental and theoretical optical properties of methylammonium lead halide perovskites (2016) Nanoscale, 8 (12), pp. 6317-6327
  • Wessendorf, Cordula D.; Perez-Rodriguez, Ana; Hanisch, Jonas; Arndt, Andreas P.; Ata, Ibrahim; Schulz, Gisela L.; Quintilla, Aina; Baeuerle, Peter; Lemmer, Uli; Wochner, Peter; Ahlswede, Erik; Barrena, Esther Understanding the effect of solvent vapor annealing on solution-processed A-D-A oligothiophene bulk-heterojunction solar cells: the role of alkyl side chains (2016) Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4 (7), pp. 2571-2580 
  • Vezie, Michelle S.; Few, Sheridan; Meager, Iain; Pieridou, Galatia; Dorling, Bernhard; Ashraf, Raja Shahid; Goni, Alejandro R.; Bronstein, Hugo; McCulloch, Iain; Hayes, Sophia C.; Campoy-Quiles, Mariano; Nelson, Jenny. Exploring the origin of high optical absorption in conjugated polymers. (2016) Nature Materials, 15 (7), pp. 746+
  1. Ponrouch, A.; Frontera, C.; Barde, F.; Palacin, M. R.
    Towards a calciumbased rechargeable battery
    (2016) Nature Materials, 15 (2), pp. 169+

  2. Vezie, Michelle S.; Few, Sheridan; Meager, Iain; Pieridou, Galatia; Dorling, Bernhard; Ashraf, Raja Shahid; Goni, Alejandro R.; Bronstein, Hugo; McCulloch, Iain; Hayes, Sophia C.; Campoy‐Quiles, Mariano; Nelson, Jenny
    Exploring the origin of high optical absorption in conjugated polymers
    (2016) Nature Materials, 15 (7), pp. 746+

  3. Palacin, M. R.; de Guibert, A.
    Why do batteries fail?
    (2016) Science, 351 (6273), 1253292

  4. Nunez, R.; Romero, I.; Teixidor, F.; Vinas, C.
    Icosahedral boron clusters: a perfect tool for the enhancement of polymer features
    (2016) Chemical Society Reviews, 45 (19), pp. 5147‐5173
    Also included in RL5

  5. Doerling, Bernhard; Ryan, Jason D.; Craddock, John D.; Sorrentino, Andrea; El Basaty, Ahmed; Gomez, Andres; Garriga, Miquel; Pereiro, Eva; Anthony, John E.; Weisenberger, Matthew C.; Goni, Alejandro R.; Muller, Christian; Campoy‐Quiles, Mariano
    Photoinduced p to ntype Switching in Thermoelectric PolymerCarbon Nanotube Composites
    (2016) Advanced Materials, 28 (14), pp. 2782‐2789

  6. Lopez‐Varo, Pilar; Bertoluzzi, Luca; Bisquert, Juan; Alexe, Marin; Coll, Mariona; Huang, Jinsong; Antonio Jimenez‐Tejada, Juan; Kirchartz, Thomas; Nechache, Riad; Rosei, Federico; Yuan, Yongbo
    Physical aspects of ferroelectric semiconductors for photovoltaic solar energy conversion
    (2016) Physics ReportsReview Section of Physics Letters, 653, pp. 140

  7. Brotons‐Gisbert, Mauro; Andres‐Peuares, Daniel; Suh, Joonki; Hidalgo, Francisco; Abargues, Rafael; Rodriguez‐Canto, Pedro J.; Segura, Alfredo; Cros, Ana; Tobias, Gerard; Canadell, Enric; Ordejon, Pablo; Wu, Junqiao; Martinez‐Pastor, Juan P.; Sanchez‐Royo, Juan F.
    Nanotexturing To Enhance Photoluminescent Response of Atomically Thin IndiumSelenide with Highly Tunable Band Gap
    (2016) Nano Letters, 16 (5), pp. 3221‐3229

  8. Amato, Michele; Kaewmaraya, Thanayut; Zobelli, Alberto; Palummo, Maurizia; Rurali, Riccardo
    Crystal Phase Effects in Si Nanowire Polytypes and Their Homojunctions
    (2016) Nano Letters, 16 (9), pp. 5694‐5700

  9. Angel Silva‐Guillen, Jose; Ordejon, Pablo; Guinea, Francisco; Canadell, Enric
    Electronic structure of 2HNbSe2 singlelayers in the CDW state
    (2016) 2D Materials, 3 (3), 35028

  10. Arroyo‐de Dompablo, M. Elena; Krich, Christopher; Nava‐Avendano, Jessica; Biskup, Neven; Rosa Palacin, M.; Barde, Fanny
    A Joint Computational and Experimental Evaluation of CaMn2O4 Polymorphs as Cathode Materials for Ca Ion Batteries
    (2016) Chemistry of Materials, 28 (19), pp. 6886‐6893

  11. Balmes, O.; Prevot, G.; Torrelles, X.; Lundgren, E.; Ferrer, S.
    Diatomic Steps in Pt(997) Surfaces Are Better Catalysts than Monatomic Steps for the CO Oxidation Reaction near Atmospheric Pressure
    (2016) ACS Catalysis, 6 (2), pp. 1285‐1291

  12. Wessendorf, Cordula D.; Perez‐Rodriguez, Ana; Hanisch, Jonas; Arndt, Andreas P.; Ata, Ibrahim; Schulz, Gisela L.; Quintilla, Aina; Baeuerle, Peter; Lemmer, Uli; Wochner, Peter; Ahlswede, Erik; Barrena, Esther
    Understanding the effect of solvent vapor annealing on solutionprocessed ADoligothiophene bulkheterojunction solar cells: the role of alkyl side chains
    (2016) Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4 (7), pp. 2571‐2580

  13. Gonzalez, Edgar; Merkoci, Florind; Arenal, Raul; Arbiol, Jordi; Esteve, Joan; Bastus, Neus G.; Puntes, Victor 
    Enhanced reactivity of highindex surface platinum hollow nanocrystals
    (2016) Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4 (1), pp. 200‐208

  14. Leguy, Aurelien M. A.; Azarhoosh, Pooya; Alonso, M. Isabel; Campoy‐Quiles, Mariano; Weber, Oliver J.; Yao, Jizhong; Bryant, Daniel; Weller, Mark T.; Nelson, Jenny; Walsh, Aron; van Schilfgaarde, Mark; Barnes, Piers R. F.
    Experimental and theoretical optical properties of methylammonium lead halide Perovskites
    (2016) Nanoscale, 8 (12), pp. 6317‐6327

  15. Amato, Michele; Rurali, Riccardo
    Surface physics of semiconducting nanowires
    (2016) Progress in Surface Science, 91 (1), pp. 128

  16. Diaz‐Gonzalez, Maria; Gutierrez‐Capitan, Manuel; Niu, Pengfei; Baldi, Antoni; Jimenez‐Jorquera, Cecilia; Fernandez‐Sanchez, Cesar
    Electrochemical devices for the detection of priority pollutants listed in the EU water framework directive
    (2016) TracTrends in Analytical Chemistry, 77 (), pp. 186‐202

  17. Balcells, Lluis; Martinez‐Boubeta, Carlos; Cisneros‐Fernandez, Jose; Simeonidis, Konstantinos; Bozzo, Bernat; Oro‐Sole, Judith; Bagues, Nuria; Arbiol, Jordi; Mestres, Narcis; Martinez, Benjamin
    OneStep Route to Iron Oxide Hollow Nanocuboids by Cluster Condensation: Implementation in Water Remediation Technology
    (2016) ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8 (42), pp. 28599‐28606
    Also included in RL3

  18. Niu, Pengfei; Asturias‐Arribas, Laura; Gich, Marti; Fernandez‐Sanchez, Cesar; Roig, Anna
    Electrochemically Active Thin Carbon Films with Enhanced Adhesion to Silicon Substrates
    (2016) ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8 (45), pp. 31092‐31099

  19. Ertem, Elif; Murillo‐Cremaes, Nerea; Carney, Randy Patrick; Laromaine, Anna; Janecek, Emma‐Rose; Roig, Anna; Stellacci, Francesco 
    A silicabased magnetic platform decorated with mixed ligand gold nanoparticles: a recyclable catalyst for esterification reactions
    (2016) Chemical Communications, 52 (32), pp. 5573‐5576

  20. Monti, Damien; Ponrouch, Alexandre; Rosa Palacin, M.; Johansson, Patrik
    Towards safer sodiumion batteries via organic solvent/ionic liquid based hybrid electrolytes
    (2016) Journal of Power Sources, 324 (), pp. 712‐721

  21. Sandoval, Stefania; Kumar, Nitesh; Oro‐Sole, Judith; Sundaresan, A.; Rao, C. N. R.; Fuertes, Amparo; Tobias, Gerard
    Tuning the nature of nitrogen atoms in Ncontaining reduced graphene oxide
    (2016) Carbon, 96 (), pp. 594‐602

  22. Buss, Felix; Schmidt‐Hansberg, Benjamin; Sanyal, Monamie; Munuera, Carmen; Scharfer, Philip; Schabel, Wilhelm; Barrena, Esther
    Gaining Further Insight into the Solvent AdditiveDriven Crystallization of BulkHeterojunction Solar Cells by in Situ Xray Scattering and Optical Reflectometry
    (2016) Macromolecules, 49 (13), pp. 4867‐4874
    Also included in RL4 

  23. Esro, M.; Georgakopoulos, S.; Lu, H.; Vourlias, G.; Krier, A.; Milne, W. I.; Gillin, W. P.; Adamopoulos, G.
    Solution processed SnO2:Sb transparent conductive oxide as an alternative to indium tin oxide for applications in organic light emitting diodes
    (2016) Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 4 (16), pp. 3563‐3570

  24. Ponrouch, A.; Tchitchekova, D.; Frontera, C.; Barde, F.; Arroyo‐de Dompablo, M. E.; Palacin, M. R.
    Assessing Sibased anodes for Caion batteries: Electrochemical decalciation of CaSi2
    (2016) Electrochemistry Communications, 66, pp. 7578

  25. Leguy, Aurelien M. A.; Goni, Alejandro R.; Frost, Jarvist M.; Skelton, Jonathan; Brivio, Federico; Rodriguez‐Martinez, Xabier; Weber, Oliver J.; Pallipurath, Anuradha; Isabel Alonso, M.; Campoy‐Quiles, Mariano; Weller, Mark T.; Nelson, Jenny; Walsh, Aron; Barnes, Piers R. F.
    Dynamic disorder, phonon lifetimes, and the assignment of modes to the vibrational spectra of methylammonium lead halide perovskites
    (2016) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18 (39), pp. 27051‐27066

  26. Arroyo‐de Dompablo, M. E.; Krich, C.; Nava‐Avendano, J.; Palacin, M. R.; Barde, F.
    In quest of cathode materials for Ca ion batteries: the CaMO3 perovskites (M =Mo, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni)
    (2016) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18 (29), pp. 19966‐19972

  27. Rurali, Riccardo; Colombo, Luciano; Cartoixa, Xavier; Wilhelmsen, Oivind; Trinh, Thuat T.; Bedeaux, Dick; Kjelstrup, Signe
    Heat transport through a solidsolid junction: the interface as an autonomous thermodynamic system 
    (2016) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18 (20), pp. 13741‐13745

  28. Royo, Miquel; Rurali, Riccardo
    Tuning thermal transport in Si nanowires by isotope engineering
    (2016) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18 (37), pp. 26262‐26267

  29. Matencio, Sonia; Barrena, Esther; Ocal, Carmen
    Coming across a novel copper oxide 2D framework during the oxidation of Cu(111)
    (2016) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18 (48), pp. 33303‐33309

  30. Liu, Xunshan; Chen, Songjie; Hauser, Jurg; Laukhin, Vladimir; Decurtins, Silvio; Aschauer, Ulrich; Liu, Shi‐Xia
    LowDimensional Tin(II) Iodide Perovskite Structures Templated by an Aromatic Heterocyclic Cation
    (2016) Crystal Growth & Design, 16 (9), pp. 5230‐5237

  31. Mahmoudi, Ghodrat; Bauza, Antonio; Amini, Mojtaba; Molins, Elies; Mague, Joel T.; Frontera, Antonio
    On the importance of tetrel bonding interactions in lead(II) complexes with (iso)nicotinohydrazide based ligands and several anions
    (2016) Dalton Transactions, 45 (26), pp. 10708‐10716

  32. Magraso, Anna; Frontera, Carlos
    Comparison of the local and the average crystal structure of proton conducting lanthanum tungstate and the influence of molybdenum substitution
    (2016) Dalton Transactions, 45 (9), pp. 3791‐3797

  33. Robert, C.; Pereira Da Silva, K.; Nestoklon, M. O.; Alonso, M. I.; Turban, P.; Jancu, J. ‐ M.; Even, J.; Carrere, H.; Balocchi, A.; Koenraad, P. M.; Marie, X.; Durand, O.; Goni, R.; Cornet, C. 
    Electronic wave functions and optical transitions in (In,Ga)As/GaP quantum dots
    (2016) Physical Review B, 94 (7), 75445

  34. Barbarino, Giuliana; Fugallo, Giorgia; Melis, Claudio; Mauri, Francesco; Colombo, Luciano
    Predicting the thermal conductivity in a graphene nanoflake from its response to a thermal impulse
    (2016) Physical Review B, 94 (24), 245437

  35. Buscemi, Fabrizio; Royo, Miquel; Goldoni, Guido; Bertoni, Andrea
    Tailoring the core electron density in modulationdoped coremultishell nanowires
    (2016) Nanotechnology, 27 (19), 195201

  36. Martin, Laura; Molins, Elies; Vallribera, Adelina
    Tuning and enhancement of the MizorokiHeck reaction using polarized Pd nanocomposite carbon aerogels
    (2016) New Journal of Chemistry, 40 (12), pp. 10208‐10212

  37. Perez del Pino, A.; Gyorgy, E.; Cotet, C.; Baia, L.; Logofatu, C.
    Laserinduced chemical transformation of freestanding graphene oxide membranes in liquid and gas ammonia environments
    (2016) RSC Advances, 6 (55), pp. 50034‐50042

  38. Domenech, B.; Romero, V.; Vazquez, M. I.; Avila, M.; Benavente, J.; Munoz, M.; Macanas, J.
    Chemical and electrochemical characterization of Nafion containing silver nanoparticles in a stripelike distribution
    (2016) RSC Advances, 6 (12), pp. 9923‐9931

  39. Domenech, Berta; Mata, Ignasi; Molins, Elies
    Tuning the structure and the mechanical properties of epoxysilica solgel hybrid materials
    (2016) RSC Advances, 6 (13), pp. 10736‐10742

  40. Gonzalez Cuxart, M.; Reyes‐Herrera, J.; Sics, I.; Goni, A. R.; Moreno Fernandez, H.; Carlino, V.; Pellegrin, E.
    Remote plasma cleaning of optical surfaces: Cleaning rates of different carbon allotropes as a function of RF powers and distances
    (2016) Applied Surface Science, 362, pp. 448‐458

  41. Cartoixa, Xavier; Dettori, Riccardo; Melis, Claudio; Colombo, Luciano; Rurali,
    Thermal transport in porous Si nanowires from approachtoequilibrium
    molecular dynamics calculations
    (2016) Applied Physics Letters, 109 (1) , 13107

  42. Hahn, Konstanze R.; Cecchi, Stefano; Colombo, Luciano
    Effect of asymmetric concentration profile on thermal conductivity in Ge/SiGe superlattices
    (2016) Applied Physics Letters, 108 (20), 203102

  43. Dugas, R.; Ponrouch, A.; Gachot, G.; David, R.; Palacin, M. R.; Tarascon, J. M.
    Na Reactivity toward CarbonateBased Electrolytes: The Effect of FEC as Additive
    (2016) Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 163 (10), pp. A2333‐A2339

  44. Perez del Pino, A.; Datcu, A.; Gyoergy, E.
    Direct multipulse laser processing of titanium oxidegraphene oxide nanocomposite thin films
    (2016) Ceramics International, 42 (6), pp. 7278‐7283

  45. Gyorgy, E.; Perez del Pino, A.; Datcu, A.; Duta, L.; Logofatu, C.; Iordache, I.; Duta, A.
    Titanium oxide reduced graphene oxide silver composite layers synthesized by laser technique: Wetting and electrical properties
    (2016) Ceramics International, 42 (14), pp. 16191‐16197

  46. Grande, Lorenzo; Ochel, Anders; Monaco, Simone; Mastragostino, Marina; Tonti, Dino; Palomino, Pablo; Paillard, Elie; Passerini, Stefano
    Li/air Flow Battery Employing Ionic Liquid Electrolytes
    (2016) Energy Technology, 4 (1), pp. 85‐89

  47. Angels Subirana‐Manzanares, Maria; Sanchez‐Sala, Marta; Pons, Josefina; Domingo, Concepcion; Ayllon, Jose A.
    Lead(II) fluoride particles synthesized by a straightforward mechanochemical route
    (2016) Materials Letters, 163, pp. 76‐80

  48. Vohra, Varun; Doerling, Bernhard; Higashimine, Koichi; Murata, Hideyuki
    Investigating the effect of solvent boiling temperature on the active layer morphology of diffusive bilayer solar cells
    (2016) Applied Physics Express, 9 (1), 12301

  49. Dettori, Riccardo; Melis, Claudio; Rurali, Riccardo; Colombo, Luciano
    Thermal rectification in silicon by a graded distribution of defects
    (2016) Journal of Applied Physics, 119 (21), 215102

  50. Lopez‐Suarez, Miquel; Neri, Igor; Rurali, Riccardo
    Band gap engineering of MoS2 upon compression
    (2016) Journal of Applied Physics, 119 (16), 165105

  51. Yaccuzzi, E.; Khachadorian, S.; Suarez, S.; Reinoso, M.; Goni, A. R.; Strittmatter, A.; Hoffmann, A.; Giudici, P.
    Investigation of proton damage in IIIV semiconductors by optical spectroscopy
    (2016) Journal of Applied Physics, 119 (23), 235702

  52. Soldevila‐Sanmartin, Joan; Ayllon, Jose A.; Calvet, Teresa; Font‐Bardia, Merce; Domingo, Concepcion; Pons, Josefina
    Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of a Cu(II) paddlewheel complex with mixed bridges
    (2016) Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 71 (), pp. 9093,
    Also included in RL5

  53. Muresan, L. E.; Popovici, E. J.; Perhaita, I.; Indrea, E.; Oro, J.; Casan Pastor, N.
    Rare earth activated yttrium aluminate phosphors with modulated luminescence
    (2016) Luminescence, 31 (4), pp. 929‐936

  54. Antidormi, A; Graziano, M; Piccinini, G; Boarino, L; Rurali, R
    First principles calculations of SO2 sensing with Si nanowires
    (2016) European Physical Journal B, 89 (12), 275

  55. Rosa Palacin, Maria; Simon, Patrice; Tarascon, Jean Marie
    Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Energy Storage: the Good and the Bad
    (2016) Acta Chimica Slovenica, 63 (3), pp. 417‐423

  56. Dettori, R.; Melis, C.; Cartoixa, X.; Rurali, R.; Colombo, L.
    Thermal boundary resistance in semiconductors by nonequilibrium Thermodynamics
    (2016) Advances in PhysicsX, 1 (2), pp. 246‐261

  57. Genc, Aziz; Patarroyo, Javier; Sancho‐Parramon, Jordi; Duchamp, Martial; Gonzalez, Edgar; Bastus, Neus G.; Houben, Lothar; Dunin‐Borkowski, Rafal; Puntes, Victor F.; Arbiol, Jordi
    Hollow metal nanostructures for enhanced plasmonics (Conference Presentation)
    (2016) Colloidal Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications XI, 9722‐972206

  58. Mihi, Agustin
    Low cost and largearea photonic architectures for enhanced light management in optoelectronic devices (Conference Presentation)
    (2016) Proceedings of SPIE Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices XII, 9885, UNSP98850A

  1. Queralto, Albert; Perez del Pino, Angel; de la Mata, Maria; Arbiol, Jordi; Tristany, Mar; Obradors, Xavier; Puig, Teresa
    Ultrafast Epitaxial Growth Kinetics in Functional Oxide Thin Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Annealing of Chemical Solutions
    (2016) Chemistry of Materials, 28 (17), pp. 6136‐6145
    Also included in RL3

  2. Gazquez, Jaume; Guzman, Roger; Mishra, Rohan; Bartolome, Elena; Salafranca, Juan; Magen, Cesar; Varela, Maria; Coll, Mariona; Palau, Anna; Valvidares, S Manuel; Gargiani, Pierluigi; Pellegrin, Eric; Herrero‐Martin, Javier; Pennycook, Stephen J; Pantelides, Sokrates T; Puig, Teresa; Obradors, Xavier
    Emerging Diluted Ferromagnetism in High‐Tc Superconductors Driven by Point Defect Clusters.
    (2016) Advanced Science, 3 (6), 1500295

  3. Palau, Anna; Valencia, Sergio; Del‐Valle, Nuria; Navau, Carles; Cialone, Matteo; Arora, Ashima; Kronast, Florian; Tennant, D. Alan; Obradors, Xavier; Sanchez, Alvaro; Puig, Teresa 
    Encoding Magnetic States in Monopole‐Like Configurations Using Superconducting Dots
    (2016) Advanced Science, 3 (11), 1600207

  4. Rabaca, Sandra; Oliveira, Sandrina; Santos, Isabel C.; Gama, Vasco; Belo, Dulce; Lopes, Elsa B.; Canadell, Enric; Almeida, Manuel
    Polymorphism and Superconductivity in Bilayer Molecular Metals (CNB‐EDT‐TF)4I3
    (2016) Inorganic Chemistry, 55 (20), pp. 10343‐10350
    Also included in RL4

  5. Queralto, Albert; de la Mata, Maria; Arbiol, Jordi; Obradors, Xavier; Puig, Teresa
    Disentangling Epitaxial Growth Mechanisms of Solution Derived Functional Oxide Thin Films
    (2016) Advanced Materials Interfaces, 3 (18), 1600392
    Also included in RL3

  6. Bartolome, Elena; Cayado, Pablo; Solana, Eduardo; Ricart, Susagna; Gazquez, Jaume; Mundet, Bernat; Coll, Mariona; Puig, Teresa; Obradors, Xavier; Valvidares, Manuel; Herrero‐Martin, Javier; Gargiani, Pierlugi; Pellegrin, Eric 
    Magnetic stability against calcining of microwave‐synthesized CoFe2O4 nanoparticles
    (2016) New Journal of Chemistry, 40 (8), pp. 6890‐6898

  7. Lu, C. Y.; Puig, T.; Obradors, X.; Ricart, S.; Ros, J.
    Ultra‐fast microwave‐assisted reverse microemulsion synthesis of Fe3O4@SiO2 core‐shell nanoparticles as a highly recyclable silver nanoparticle catalytic platform in the reduction of 4‐nitroaniline
    (2016) RSC Advances, 6 (91), pp. 88762‐88769
    Also included in RL5

  8. Queralto, A.; de la Mata, M.; Martinez, L.; Magen, C.; Gibert, M.; Arbiol, J.; Huehne, R.; Obradors, X.; Puig, T.
    Orientation symmetry breaking in self‐assembled Ce1‐xGdxO2‐y nanowires derived from chemical solutions
    (2016) RSC Advances, 6 (99), pp. 97226‐97236

  9. Queralto, Albert; del Pino, Angel Perez; de la Mata, Maria; Tristany, Mar; Obradors, Xavier; Puig, Teresa; Trolier‐McKinstry, Susan
    Ultraviolet pulsed laser crystallization of Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3 films on LaNiO3‐coated silicon substrates
    (2016) Ceramics International, 42 (3), pp. 4039‐4047
    Also included in RL3

  10. Palmer, X.; Pop, C.; Eloussifi, H.; Villarejo, B.; Roura, P.; Farjas, J.; Calleja, A.; Palau, A.; Obradors, X.; Puig, T.; Ricart, S.
    Solution design for low‐fluorine trifluoroacetate route to YBa2Cu3O7 films
    (2016) Superconductor Science & Technology, 29 (2), 24002

  11. Meledin, A.; Turner, S.; Cayado, P.; Mundet, B.; Solano, E.; Ricart, S.; Ros, J.; Puig, T.; Obradors, X.; Van Tendeloo, G.
    Unique nanostructural features in Fe, Mn‐doped YBCO thin films
    (2016) Superconductor Science & Technology, 29 (12), 125009

  12. Carmo, D.; Colauto, F.; de Andrade, A. M. H.; Oliveira, A. A. M.; Ortiz, W. A.; Johansen, T. H.
    Controllable injector for local flux entry into superconducting films
    (2016) Superconductor Science & Technology, 29 (9), 95003

  13. Calleja, Albert; Sort, Jordi; Ricart, Susagna; Granados, Xavier; Palmer, Xavier; Roxana Vlad, Valentina; Puig, Teresa; Obradors, Xavier
    Composite films combining electrospun fiber network and epitaxial oxide by chemical solution deposition
    (2016) Journal of Sol‐Gel Science and Technology, 80 (2), pp. 277‐284

  14. Dias, Fabio Teixeira; Vieira, Valdemar das Neves; Nunes, Sabrina Esperanca; Pureur, Paulo; Schaf, Jacob; Farinela da Silva, Graziele Fernanda; Gouvea, Cristol de Paiva; Wolff‐Fabris, Frederik; Kampert, Erik; Obradors, Xavier; Puig, Teresa; Roa Rovira, Joan Josep
    Magnetic irreversibility: An important amendment in the zero‐field‐cooling and field‐cooling method
    (2016) Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 55 (2), 23101

  15. Zani, L.; Bayer, C. M.; Biancolini, M. E.; Bonifetto, R.; Bruzzone, P.; Brutti, C.; Ciazynski, D.; Coleman, M.; Duran, I.; Eisterer, M.; Fietz, W. H.; Gade, P. V.; Gaio, E.; Giorgetti, F.; Goldacker, W.; Gomory, F.; Granados, X.; Heller, R.; Hertout, P.; Hoa, C.; Kario, A.; Lacroix, B.; Lewandowska, M.; Maistrello, A.; Muzzi, L.; Nijhuis, A.; Nunio, F.; Panin, A.; Petrisor, T.; Poncet, J. ‐M.; Prokopec, R.; Sanmarti Cardona, M.; Savoldi, L.; Schlachter, S. I.; Sedlak, K.; Stepanov, B.; Tiseanu, I.; Torre, A.; Turtu, S.; Vallcorba, R.; Vojenciak, M.; Weiss, K. ‐P.; Wesche, R.; Yagotintsev, K.; Zanino, R.
    Overview of Progress on the EU DEMO Reactor Magnet System Design
    (2016) IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 26 (4), 4204505

  16. Hopkins, Simon C.; Mitchell‐Williams, Tom B.; Vanden Bussche, Dries R.; Calleja, Albert; Vlad, Valentina Roxana; Vilardell, Marta; Granados, Xavier; Puig, Teresa; Obradors, Xavier; Usoskin, Alexander; Soloviov, Mykola; Vojenciak, Michal; Goemoery, Fedor; Van Driessche, Isabel; Baecker, Michael; Glowacki, Bartek A. 
    Low AC Loss Inkjet‐Printed Multifilamentary YBCO Coated Conductors
    (2016) IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 26 (3), 6602905

  17. Goncalves Sotelo, Guilherme; Carrera, Miquel; Lopez‐Lopez, Josep; Granados, Xavier
    H‐Formulation FEM Modeling of the Current Distribution in 2G HTS Tapes and Its Experimental Validation Using Hall Probe Mapping
    (2016) IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 26 (8), 6603510

  18. Sotelo, G. G.; Granados, X.; Carrera, M.; Lopez Lopez, J.
    Torsional Dependence of the Critical Current in 2G Tapes
    (2016) IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 26 (3), 6602505

  19. Dias, F. T.; Vieira, V. N.; Garcia, E. L.; Wolff‐Fabris, F.; Kampert, E.; Gouvea, C. P.; Schaf, J.; Obradors, X.; Puig, T.; Roa, J. J.
    Functional behavior of the anomalous magnetic relaxation observed in melttextured YBa2Cu3O7‐δ samples showing the paramagnetic Meissner effect
    (2016) Physica C‐Superconductivity and its Applications, 529, pp. 44‐49

  20. Dias, F. T.; Vieira, V. N.; Wolff‐Fabris, F.; Kampert, E.; Gouvea, C. P.; Campos, A. P. C.; Archanjo, B. S.; Schaf, J.; Obradors, X.; Puig, T.; Roa, J. J.; Sahoo, B. K.
    High‐field paramagnetic Meissner effect up to 14 T in melt‐textured YBa2Cu3O7‐δ
    (2016) Physica C‐Superconductivity and its Applications, 525, pp. 105‐110,

  21. De Keukeleere, Katrien; Cayado, Pablo; Meledin, Alexander; Valles, Ferran; De Roo, Jonathan; Rijckaert, Hannes; Pollefeyt, Glenn; Bruneel, Els; Palau, Anna; Coll, Mariona; Ricart, Susagna; Van Tendeloo, Gustaaf; Puig, Teresa; Obradors, Xavier; Van Driessche, Isabel
    Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7‐δ Nanocomposites Using Preformed ZrO2 Nanocrystals: Growth Mechanisms and Vortex Pinning Properties
    (2016) Advanced Electronic Materials, 2 (10), 1600161

  1. Zubko, Pavlo; Wojdel, Jacek C.; Hadjimichael, Marios; Fernandez‐Pena, Stephanie; Sene, Anais; Luk'yanchuk, Igor; Triscone, Jean‐Marc; Iniguez, Jorge
    Negative capacitance in multidomain ferroelectric superlattices
    (2016) Nature, 534 (7608), pp. 524+

  2. Guzman, Roger; Maurel, Laura; Langenberg, Eric; Lupini, Andrew R.; Algarabel, Pedro A.; Pardo, Jose A.; Magen, Cesar
    PolarGraded Multiferroic SrMnO3 Thin Films
    (2016) Nano Letters, 16 (4), pp. 2221‐2227

  3. Khestanova, Ekaterina; Dix, Nico; Fina, Ignasi; Scigaj, Mateusz; Manuel Rebled, Jose; Magen, Cesar; Estrade, Sonia; Peiro, Francesca; Herranz, Gervasi; Fontcuberta, Josep; Sanchez, Florencio
    Untangling Electrostatic and Strain Effects on the Polarization of Ferroelectric Superlattices
    (2016) Advanced Functional Materials, 26 (35), pp. 6446‐6453

  4. Kriegner, D.; Vyborny, K.; Olejnik, K.; Reichlova, H.; Novak, V.; Marti, X.; Gazquez, J.; Saidl, V.; Nemec, P.; Volobuev, V. V.; Springholz, G.; Holy, V.; Jungwirth, T. 
    Multiplestable anisotropic magnetoresistance memory in antiferromagnetic MnTe
    (2016) Nature Communications, 7, 11623

  5. Filippetti, Alessio; Fiorentini, Vincenzo; Ricci, Francesco; Delugas, Pietro; Iniguez, Jorge
    Prediction of a native ferroelectric metal
    (2016) Nature Communications, 7, 11211

  6. Queralto, Albert; Perez del Pino, Angel; de la Mata, Maria; Arbiol, Jordi; Tristany, Mar; Obradors, Xavier; Puig, Teresa
    Ultrafast Epitaxial Growth Kinetics in Functional Oxide Thin Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Annealing of Chemical Solutions
    (2016) Chemistry of Materials, 28 (17), pp. 6136‐6145
    Also included in RL2

  7. Saint‐Girons, Guillaume; Bachelet, Romain; Moalla, Rahma; Meunier, Benjamin; Louahadj, Lamis; Canut, Bruno; Carretero‐Genevrier, Adrian; Gazquez, Jaume; Regreny, Philippe; Botella, Claude; Penuelas, Jose; Silly, Mathieu G.; Sirotti, Fausto; Grenet, Genevieve
    Epitaxy of SrTiO3 on Silicon: The Knitting Machine Strategy
    (2016) Chemistry of Materials, 28 (15), pp. 53475355,

  8. Li, Jheng‐Guang; Fornasieri, Giulia; Bleuzen, Anne; Gich, Marti; Gloter, Alexandre; Bouquet, Frederic; Imperor‐Clerc, Marianne
    Alignment under Magnetic Field of Mixed Fe2O3/SiO2 Colloidal Mesoporous Particles Induced by Shape Anisotropy
    (2016) Small, 12 (43), pp. 5981‐5988

  9. Casals, Blai; Cichelero, Rafael; Garcia Fernandez, Pablo; Junquera, Javier; Pesquera, David; Campoy‐Quiles, Mariano; Infante, Ingrid C.; Sanchez, Florencio; Fontcuberta, Josep; Herranz, Gervasi
    Giant Optical Polarization Rotation Induced by SpinOrbit Coupling in Polarons
    (2016) Physical Review Letters, 117 (2), 26401

  10. Balcells, Lluis; Martinez‐Boubeta, Carlos; Cisneros‐Fernandez, Jose; Simeonidis, Konstantinos; Bozzo, Bernat; Oro‐Sole, Judith; Bagues, Nuria; Arbiol, Jordi; Mestres, Narcis; Martinez, Benjamin
    OneStep Route to Iron Oxide Hollow Nanocuboids by Cluster Condensation: Implementation in Water Remediation Technology
    (2016) ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8 (42), pp. 28599‐28606
    Also included in RL1 

  11. Vlasin, Ondrej; Jarrier, Romain; Arras, Remi; Calmels, Lionel; Warot‐Fonrose, Benedicte; Marcelot, Cecile; Jamet, Matthieu; Ohresser, Philippe; Scheurer, Fabrice; Hertel, Riccardo; Herranz, Gervasi; Cherifi‐Hertel, Salia
    Interface Magnetoelectric Coupling in Co/Pb(Zr,Ti)O3
    (2016) ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8 (11), pp. 7553‐7563

  12. Santiso, Jose; Roqueta, Jaume; Bagues, Nuria; Frontera, Carlos; Konstantinovic, Zorica; Lu, Qiyang; Yildiz, Bilge; Martinez, Benjamin; Pomar, Alberto; Balcells, Lluis; Sandiumenge, Felip
    SelfArranged Misfit Dislocation Network Formation upon Strain Release in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/LaAlO3(100) Epitaxial Films under Compressive Strain
    (2016) ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8 (26), pp. 16823‐16832

  13. Black, Ashley P.; Johnston, Hannah E.; Oro‐Sole, Judith; Bozzo, Bernat; Ritter, Clemens; Frontera, Carlos; Attfield, J. Paul; Fuertes, Amparo 
    Nitride tuning of lanthanide chromites
    (2016) Chemical Communications, 52 (23), pp. 4317‐4320

  14. Liu, Fanmao; Fina, Ignasi; Bertacco, Riccardo; Fontcuberta, Josep 
    Unravelling and controlling hidden imprint fields in ferroelectric capacitors
    (2016) Scientific Reports, 6, 25028

  15. Flovik, Vegard; Macia, Ferran; Wahlstrom, Erik 
    Describing synchronization and topological excitations in arrays of magnetic spin torque oscillators through the Kuramoto model
    (2016) Scientific Reports, 6, 32528

  16. Golvano‐Escobal, Irati; Carlos Gonzalez‐Rosillo, Juan; Domingo, Neus; Illa, Xavi; Francisco Lopez‐Barbera, Jose; Fornell, Jordina; Solsona, Pau; Aballe, Lucia; Foerster, Michael; Surinach, Santiago; Dolors Baro, Maria; Puig, Teresa; Pane, Salvador; Nogues, Josep; Pellicer, Eva; Sort, Jordi
    Spontaneous formation of spirallike patterns with distinct periodic physical properties by confined electrodeposition of CoIn disks
    (2016) Scientific Reports, 6, 30398

  17. Galceran, R.; Fina, I.; Cisneros‐Fernandez, J.; Bozzo, B.; Frontera, C.; Lopez‐Mir, L.; Deniz, H.; Park, K. ‐W.; Park, B. ‐G.; Balcells, Ll.; Marti, X.; Jungwirth, T.; Martinez, B.
    Isothermal anisotropic magnetoresistance in antiferromagnetic metallic IrMn 
    (2016) Scientific Reports, 6, 35471

  18. Scigaj, Mateusz; Dix, Nico; Gazquez, Jaume; Varela, Maria; Fina, Ignasi; Domingo, Neus; Herranz, Gervasi; Skumryev, Vassil; Fontcuberta, Josep; Sanchez, Florencio
    Monolithic integration of roomtemperature multifunctional BaTiO3CoFe2O4 epitaxial heterostructures on Si(001)
    (2016) Scientific Reports, 6, 31870

  19. Zhang, J.; Coll, M.; Puig, T.; Pellicer, E.; Sort, J.
    Conformal oxide nanocoatings on electrodeposited 3D porous Ni films by atomic layer deposition
    (2016) Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 4 (37), pp. 8655‐8662

  20. Niu, Pengfei; Fernandez‐Sanchez, Cesar; Gich, Marti; Navarro‐Hernandez, Carla; Fanjul‐Bolado, Pablo; Roig, Anna
    Screenprinted electrodes made of a bismuth nanoparticle porous carbon nanocomposite applied to the determination of heavy metal ions
    (2016) Microchimica Acta, 183 (2), pp. 617‐623

  21. Filatre‐Furcate, Agathe; Bellec, Nathalie; Jeannin, Olivier; Auban‐Senzier, Pascale; Fourmigue, Marc; Iniguez, Jorge; Canadell, Enric; Briere, Benjamin; Vinh Ta Phuoc; Lorcy, Dominique
    SingleComponent Conductors: A Sturdy Electronic Structure Generated by Bulky Substituents
    (2016) Inorganic Chemistry, 55 (12), pp. 6036‐6046
    Also included in RL4

  22. Hussain, Hadeel; Torrelles, Xavier; Cabailh, Gregory; Rajput, Parasmani; Lindsay, Robert; Bikondoa, Oier; Tillotson, Marcus; Grau‐Crespo, Ricardo; Zegenhagen, Jorg; Thornton, Geoff
    Quantitative Structure of an Acetate Dye Molecule Analogue at the TiO2Acetic Acid Interface
    (2016) Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120 (14), pp. 7586‐7590
    Also included in RL4

  23. Lopez‐Mir, Laura; Balcells, Lluis; Valencia, Sergio; Kronast, Florian; Martinez, Benjamin; Jose de Miguel, Juan; Ocal, Carmen
    Growth Instabilities as a Source of Surface Chemical Structuration in Functional Perovskite Thin Films
    (2016) Crystal Growth & Design, 16 (9), pp. 5479‐5486

  24. Isasa, Miren; Velez, Saul; Sagasta, Edurne; Bedoya‐Pinto, Amilcar; Dix, Nico; Sanchez, Florencio; Hueso, Luis E.; Fontcuberta, Josep; Casanova, Felix
    Spin Hall Magnetoresistance as a Probe for Surface Magnetization in Pt/CoFe2O4 Bilayers
    (2016) Physical Review Applied, 6 (3), UNSP 034007

  25. Pesquera, D.; Barla, A.; Wojcik, M.; Jedryka, E.; Bondino, F.; Magnano, E.; Nappini, S.; Gutierrez, D.; Radaelli, G.; Herranz, G.; Sanchez, F.; Fontcuberta, J. 
    StrainDriven Orbital and Magnetic Orders and Phase Separation in Epitaxial HalfDoped Manganite Films for Tunneling Devices
    (2016) Physical Review Applied, 6 (3), 34004

  26. Liu, Jian; Kriegner, D.; Horak, L.; Puggioni, D.; Serrao, C. Rayan; Chen, R.; Yi, D.; Frontera, C.; Holy, V.; Vishwanath, A.; Rondinelli, J. M.; Marti, X.; Ramesh, R.
    Straininduced nonsymmorphic symmetry breaking and removal of Dirac semimetallic nodal line in an orthoperovskite iridate
    (2016) Physical Review B, 93 (8), 85118

  27. Zhao, Hong Jian; Iniguez, Jorge; Chen, Xiang Ming; Bellaiche, L. 
    Origin of the magnetization and compensation temperature in rareearth orthoferrites and orthochromates
    (2016) Physical Review B, 93 (1), 14417

  28. Salje, Ekhard K. H.; Li, Suzhi; Stengel, Massimiliano; Gumbsch, Peter; Ding, Xiangdong
    Flexoelectricity and the polarity of complex ferroelastic twin patterns
    (2016) Physical Review B, 94 (2), 24114

  29. Valvidares, M.; Dix, N.; Isasa, M.; Ollefs, K.; Wilhelm, F.; Rogalev, A.; Sanchez, F.; Pellegrin, E.; Bedoya‐Pinto, A.; Gargiani, P.; Hueso, L. E.; Casanova, F.; Fontcuberta, J. 
    Absence of magnetic proximity effects in magnetoresistive Pt/CoFe2O4 hybrid interfaces
    (2016) Physical Review B, 93 (21), 214415

  30. Weber, M. C.; Guennou, M.; Dix, N.; Pesquera, D.; Sanchez, F.; Herranz, G.; Fontcuberta, J.; Lopez‐Conesa, L.; Estrade, S.; Peiro, F.; Iniguez, Jorge; Kreisel, J.
    Multiple straininduced phase transitions in LaNiO3 thin films
    (2016) Physical Review B, 94 (1), 14118

  31. Stengel, Massimiliano
    Unified ab initio formulation of flexoelectricity and straingradient elasticity
    (2016) Physical Review B, 93 (24), 245107

  32. Garcia‐Fernandez, Pablo; Wojdel, Jacek C.; Iniguez, Jorge; Junquera, Javier
    Secondprinciples method for materials simulations including electron and lattice degrees of freedom
    (2016) Physical Review B, 93 (19), 195137

  33. Luis Garcia‐Munoz, Jose; Padilla‐Pantoja, Jessica; Torrelles, Xavier; Blasco, Javier; Herrero‐Martin, Javier; Bozzo, Bernat; Rodriguez‐Velamazan, Jose A.
    Magnetostructural coupling, magnetic ordering, and cobalt spin reorientation in metallic Pr0.5Sr0.5CoO3 cobaltite
    (2016) Physical Review B, 94 (1), 14411

  34. Blasco, J.; Garcia, J.; Subias, G.; Stankiewicz, J.; Rodriguez‐Velamazan, J. A.; Ritter, C.; Garcia‐Munoz, J. L.; Fauth, F.
    Magnetoelectric and structural properties of Y2CoMnO6: The role of antisite defects
    (2016) Physical Review B, 93 (21), 214401

  35. Blasco, J.; Lafuerza, S.; Garcia, J.; Subias, G.; Cuartero, V.; Garcia‐Munoz, J. L.; Popescu, C.; Peral, I.
    Characterization of competing distortions in YFe2O4
    (2016) Physical Review B, 93 (18), 184110

  36. Galceran, Regina; Lopez‐Mir, Laura; Bozzo, Bernat; Cisneros‐Fernandez, Jose; Santiso, Jose; Balcells, Lluis; Frontera, Carlos; Martinez, Benjamin
    Straininduced perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in La2CoMnO6epsilon thin films and its dependence on film thickness
    (2016) Physical Review B, 93 (14), 144417

  37. Hachtel, J. A.; Yu, S.; Lupini, A. R.; Pantelides, S. T.; Gich, M.; Laromaine, A.; Roig, A.
    Gold nanotriangles decorated with superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles: a compositional and microstructural study
    (2016) Faraday Discussions, 191, pp. 215‐227

  38. Queralto, Albert; de la Mata, Maria; Arbiol, Jordi; Obradors, Xavier; Puig, Teresa
    Disentangling Epitaxial Growth Mechanisms of Solution Derived Functional Oxide Thin Films
    (2016) Advanced Materials Interfaces, 3 (18), 1600392
    Also included in RL2

  39. Sandiumenge, Felip; Bagues, Nuria; Santiso, Jose; Paradinas, Markos; Pomar, Alberto; Konstantinovic, Zorica; Ocal, Carmen; Balcells, Lluis; Casanove, Marie‐Jo; Martinez, Benjamin
    Misfit Dislocation Guided Topographic and Conduction Patterning in Complex Oxide Epitaxial Thin Films
    (2016) Advanced Materials Interfaces, 3 (14), 1600106

  40. Ventura, J.; Polo, M. C.; Ferrater, C.; Hernandez, S.; Sancho‐Parramon, J.; Coy, L. E.; Rodriguez, L.; Canillas, A.; Fabrega, L.; Varela, M.
    Heterogeneous distribution of Bsite cations in BaZrxT1xO3 epitaxial thin films grown on (001) SrTiO3 by pulsed laser deposition
    (2016) Applied Surface Science, 381, pp. 12‐16

  41. Bozanic, Dusan K.; Draganic, Ilija; Bibic, Natasa; Luyt, Adriaan S.; Konstantinovic, Zorica; Djokovic, Vladimir
    Morphology and magnetic properties of the ethylenecovinyl acetate/iron nanocomposite films prepared by implantation with Fe6+ ions
    (2016) Applied Surface Science, 378, pp. 362‐367

  42. Coy, L. E.; Fina, I.; Ventura, J.; Yate, L.; Langenberg, E.; Polo, M. C.; Ferrater, C.; Varela, M.
    Dielectric characterization of multiferroic magnetoelectric doubleperovskite Y(Ni0.5Mn0.5)O3 thin films
    (2016) Applied Physics Letters, 109 (15), 152901

  43. Scigaj, M.; Chao, C. H.; Gazquez, J.; Fina, I.; Moalla, R.; Saint‐Girons, G.; Chisholm, F.; Herranz, G.; Fontcuberta, J.; Bachelet, R.; Sanchez, F.
    High ferroelectric polarization in coriented BaTiO3 epitaxial thin films on SrTiO3/Si(001)
    (2016) Applied Physics Letters, 109 (12), 122903

  44. Casals, Blai; Espinola, Marina; Cichelero, Rafael; Gepraegs, Stephan; Opel, Matthias; Gross, Rudolf; Herranz, Gervasi; Fontcuberta, Josep
    Untangling the contributions of cerium and iron to the magnetism of Cedoped yttrium iron garnet
    (2016) Applied Physics Letters, 108 (10), 102407

  45. Supelano, G. I.; Parra Vargas, C. A.; Baron‐Gonzalez, A. J.; Sarmiento Santos, A.; Frontera, C.
    Structural study of CaMn1xMoxO3 (0.08 <= x <= 0.12) system by neutron powder diffraction
    (2016) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 676, pp. 575‐581

  46. Lorenz, M.; Rao, M. S. Ramachandra; Venkatesan, T.; Fortunato, E.; Barquinha, P.; Branquinho, R.; Salgueiro, D.; Martins, R.; Carlos, E.; Liu, A.; Shan, F. K.; Grundmann, M.; Boschker, H.; Mukherjee, J.; Priyadarshini, M.; DasGupta, N.; Rogers, D. J.; Teherani, F. H.; Sandana, E. V.; Bove, P.; Rietwyk, K.; Zaban, A.; Veziridis, A.; Weidenkaff, A.; Muralidhar, M.; Murakami, M.; Abel, S.; Fompeyrine, J.; Zuniga‐Perez, J.; Ramesh, R.; Spaldin, N. A.; Ostanin, S.; Borisov, V.; Mertig, I.; Lazenka, V.; Srinivasan, G.; Prellier, W.; Uchida, M.; Kawasaki, M.; Pentcheva, R.; Gegenwart, P.; Granozio, F. Miletto; Fontcuberta, J.; Pryds, N.
    The 2016 oxide electronic materials and oxide interfaces roadmap
    (2016) Journal of Physics DApplied Physics, 49 (43), 433001

  47. Queralto, Albert; del Pino, Angel Perez; de la Mata, Maria; Tristany, Mar; Obradors, Xavier; Puig, Teresa; Trolier‐McKinstry, Susan 
    Ultraviolet pulsed laser crystallization of Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3 films on LaNiO3 coated silicon substrates
    (2016) Ceramics International, 42 (3), pp. 4039‐4047
    Also included in RL2

  48. Urcelay‐Olabarria, Irene; Luis Garcia‐Munoz, Jose; Ressouche, Eric; Mukhin, Alexander A.; Skumryev, Vassil
    Comparative study of the fieldinduced and spontaneous AF2 ' multiferroic phases in MnWO4 and Mn0.90Co0.10WO4 within the magnetic symmetry framework
    (2016) Journal of Applied Crystallography, 49, pp. 520‐527

  49. Vranjes, M.; Kuljanin‐Jakovljevic, J.; Konstantinovic, Z.; Pomar, A.; Ahrenkiel, S. P.; Radetic, T.; Stoiljkovic, M.; Mitric, M.; Saponjic, Z. 
    Room temperature ferromagnetism in Cu2+ doped TiO2 nanocrystals: The impact of their size, shape and dopant concentration
    (2016) Materials Research Bulletin, 76, pp. 100‐106

  50. Flovik, Vegard; Macia, Ferran; Lendinez, Sergi; Manel Hernandez, Joan; Hallsteinsen, Ingrid; Tybell, Thomas; Wahlstrom, Erik
    Thickness and temperature dependence of the magnetodynamic damping of pulsed laser deposited La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 on (111)oriented SrTiO3
    (2016) Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 420, pp. 280‐284

  51. Rowberry, Matt D.; Marti, Xavi; Froptera, Carlos; Van de Wiel, Marco J.; Briestensky, Milos
    Calculating flux to predict future cave radon concentrations
    (2016) Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 157, pp. 16‐26

  52. Lamirand, A. D.; Grenier, S.; Langlais, V.; Ramos, A. Y.; Tolentino, H. C. N.; Torrelles, X.; De Santis, M.
    Magnetite epitaxial growth on Ag(001): Selected orientation, seed layer, and interface sharpness
    (2016) Surface Science, 647, pp. 33‐38

  53. Rowberry, Matt D.; Kriegner, Dominik; Holy, Vaclav; Frontera, Carlos; Llull, Miquel; Olejnik, Kamil; Marti, Xavi
    The instrumental resolution of a moire extensometer in light of its recent automatisation
    (2016) Measurement, 91, pp. 258‐265

  54. Galceran, R.; Balcells, Ll.; Pomar, A.; Konstantinovic, Z.; Bagues, N.; Sandiumenge, F.; Martinez, B.
    Tunneling anisotropic magnetoresistance in La2/3Sr1/3MnO3/LaAlO3/Pt tunnel junctions
    (2016) AIP Advances, 6 (4), 45305

  55. Galliski, MA; MarquezZavalia, MF; Cerny, P; Lira, R; Colombo, F; Roberts, AC; Bernhardt, HJ
    Achalaite, Fe2+TiNb2O8, A New Member of the wodginite group from the La Calandria Granitic Pegmatite, Cordoba, Argentina
    (2016) Canadian Mineralogist, 54 (4), 1043‐1052

  56. Radaelli, Greta; Gutierrez, Diego; Qian, Mengdi; Fina, Ignasi; Sanchez, Florencio; Baldrati, Lorenzo; Heidler, Jakoba; Piamonteze, Cinthia; Bertacco, Riccardo; Fontcuberta, Josep 
    StrainControlled Responsiveness of Slave HalfDoped Manganite La0.5Sr0.5MnO3 Layers Inserted in BaTiO3 Ferroelectric Tunnel Junctions
    (2016) Advanced Electronic Materials, 2 (12), 1600368

  57. Pomar, Alberto; Konstantinovic, Zorica; Bagues, Nuria; Roqueta, Jaume; Lopez‐Mir, Laura; Balcells, Lluis; Frontera, Carlos; Mestres, Narcis; Gutierrez‐Llorente, Araceli; Scepanovic, Majas; Lazarevic, Nenad; Popovic, Zoran V.; Sandiumenge, Felip; Martinez, Benjamin; Santiso, Jose
    Formation of SelfOrganized Mn3O4 Nanoinclusions in LaMnO3 Films
    (2016) Frontiers in Physics, 4, 41


  1. Nunez, Rosario; Tarres, Marius; Ferrer‐Ugalde, Albert; de Biani, Fabrizia Fabrizi; Teixidor, Francesc
    Electrochemistry and Photoluminescence of Icosahedral Carboranes, Boranes, Metallacarboranes, and Their Derivatives
    (2016) Chemical Reviews, 116 (23), pp. 14307‐14378
    Also included in RL5

  2. Leonardi, Francesca; Casalini, Stefano; Zhang, Qiaoming; Galindo, Sergi; Gutierrez, Diego; Mas‐Torrent, Marta 
    ElectrolyteGated Organic FieldEffect Transistor Based on a Solution Sheared Organic Semiconductor Blend
    (2016) Advanced Materials, 28 (46), pp. 10311‐10316

  3. Gaudenzi, R.; Burzuri, E.; Reta, D.; Moreira, I. de P. R.; Bromley, S. T.; Rovira, C.; Veciana, J.; van der Zant, H. S. J. 
    Exchange Coupling Inversion in a HighSpin Organic Triradical Molecule
    (2016) Nano Letters, 16 (3), pp. 2066‐2071

  4. Burzuri, Enrique; Island, Joshua O.; Diaz‐Torres, Raul; Fursina, Alexandra; Gonzalez‐Campo, Arantzazu; Roubeau, Olivier; Teat, Simon J.; Aliaga‐Alcalde, Nuria; Ruiz, Eliseo; van der Zant, Herre S. J.
    Sequential Electron Transport and Vibrational Excitations in an Organic Molecule Coupled to FewLayer Graphene Electrodes
    (2016) ACS Nano, 10 (2), pp. 2521‐2527

  5. Sorrenti, Alessandro; Rodriguez‐Trujillo, Romen; Amabilino, David B.; Puigmarti‐Luis, Josep
    Milliseconds Make the Difference in the FarfromEquilibrium SelfAssembly of Supramolecular Chiral Nanostructures
    (2016) Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138 (22), pp. 6920‐6923

  6. Souto, Manuel; Cui, HengBo; Pena‐Alvarez, Miriam; Baonza, Valentin G.; Jeschke, Harald O.; Tomic, Milan; Valenti, Roser; Blasi, Davide; Ratera, Imma; Rovira, Concepcio; Veciana, Jaume
    PressureInduced Conductivity in a Neutral Nonplanar SpinLocalized Radical 
    (2016) Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138 (36), pp. 11517‐11525

  7. Branzea, Diana G.; Pop, Flavia; Auban‐Senzier, Pascale; Clerac, Rodolphe; Alemany, Pere; Canadell, Enric; Avarvari, Narcis 
    Localization versus Delocalization in Chiral Single Component Conductors of Gold Bis(dithiolene) Complexes
    (2016) Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138 (21), pp. 6838‐6851

  8. Marchante, Elena; Crivillers, Nuria; Buhl, Moritz; Veciana, Jaume; Mas‐Torrent, Marta 
    An Electrically Driven and Readable Molecular Monolayer Switch Based on a Solid Electrolyte
    (2016) Angewandte ChemieInternational Edition, 55 (1), pp. 368‐372

  9. del Pozo, Freddy G.; Fabiano, Simone; Pfattner, Raphael; Georgakopoulos, Stamatis; Galindo, Sergi; Liu, Xianjie; Braun, Slawomir; Fahlman, Mats; Veciana, Jaume; Rovira, Concepcio; Crispin, Xavier; Berggren, Magnus; Mas‐Torrent, Marta
    Single CrystalLike Performance in SolutionCoated ThinFilm Organic FieldEffect Transistors
    (2016) Advanced Functional Materials, 26 (14), pp. 2379‐2386

  10. Pfattner, Raphael; Bromley, Stefan T.; Rovira, Concepcio; Mas‐Torrent, Marta 
    Tuning Crystal Ordering, Electronic Structure, and Morphology in Organic Semiconductors: Tetrathiafulvalenes as a Model Case 
    (2016) Advanced Functional Materials, 26 (14), pp. 2256‐2275

  11. Yuan, Li; Franco, Carlos; Crivillers, Nuria; Mas‐Torrent, Marta; Cao, Liang; Sangeeth, C. S. Suchand; Rovira, Concepcio; Veciana, Jaume; Nijhuis, Christian A. 
    Chemical control over the energylevel alignment in a twoterminal junction 
    (2016) Nature Communications, 7, 12066

  12. Diaz‐Torres, Raul; Menelaou, Melita; Roubeau, Olivier; Sorrenti, Alessandro; Brandariz‐de‐Pedro, Guillem; Carolina Sanudo, E.; Teat, Simon J.; Fraxedas, Jordi; Ruiz, Eliseo; Aliaga‐Alcalde, Nuria 
    Multiscale study of mononuclear CoII SMMs based on curcuminoid ligands
    (2016) Chemical Science, 7 (4), pp. 2793‐2803

  13. Alcon, I.; Gonidec, M.; Ajayakumar, M. R.; Mas‐Torrent, M.; Veciana, J. 
    A surface confined yttrium(III) bisphthalocyaninato complex: a colourful switch controlled by electrons
    (2016) Chemical Science, 7 (8), pp. 4940‐4944

  14. Souto, Manuel; Lloveras, Vega; Vela, Sergi; Fumanal, Maria; Ratera, Imma; Veciana, Jaume
    Three Redox States of a Diradical AcceptorDonorAcceptor Triad: Gating the Magnetic Coupling and the Electron Delocalization
    (2016) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7 (12), pp. 2234‐2239

  15. Lloveras, V.; Badetti, E.; Veciana, J.; Vidal‐Gancedo, J.
    Dynamics of intramolecular spin exchange interaction of a nitronyl nitroxide diradical in solution and on surfaces
    (2016) Nanoscale, 8 (9), pp. 5049‐5058

  16. Ghirardi, Elena; Griera, Rosa; Picciche, Miriam; Molins, Elies; Fernandez, Israel; Bosch, Joan; Amat, Mercedes
    Stereocontrolled Access to Enantiopure 7Substituted cis and transOctahydroindoles 
    (2016) Organic Letters, 18 (22), pp. 5836‐5839

  17. Blas‐Ferrando, Vicente M.; Ortiz, Javier; Follana‐Berna, Jorge; Fernandez‐Lazaro, Fernando; Campos, Antonio; Mas‐Torrent, Marta; Sastre‐Santos, Angela
    LargeSize StarShaped Conjugated (Fused) Triphthalocyaninehexaazatriphenylene 
    (2016) Organic Letters, 18 (6), pp. 1466‐1469

  18. Pop, Flavia; Auban‐Senzier, Pascale; Canadell, Enric; Avarvari, Narcis
    Anion size control of the packing in the metallic versus semiconducting chiral radical cation salts (DMEDTTTF)2XF6 (X = P, As, Sb)
    (2016) Chemical Communications, 52 (84), pp. 12438‐12441

  19. Rodriguez‐San‐Miguel, David; Abrishamkar, Afshin; Navarro, Jorge A. R.; Rodriguez‐Trujillo, Romen; Amabilino, David B.; Mas‐Balleste, Ruben; Zamora, Felix; Puigmarti‐Luis, Josep
    Crystalline fibres of a covalent organic framework through bottomup microfluidic synthesis
    (2016) Chemical Communications, 52 (59), pp. 9212‐9215

  20. Jeannin, Olivier; Canadell, Enric; Auban‐Senzier, Pascale; Fourmigue, Marc 
    Correlating conduction properties with the molecular symmetry: segregation of Z and E isomers in the chargeassisted, halogenbonded cocrystal [(Z,E)Me2I2TTF]2Br
    (2016) Chemical Communications, 52 (2), pp. 308‐311

  21. Albalad, Jorge; Arinez‐Soriano, Javier; Vidal‐Gancedo, Jose; Lloveras, Vega; Juanhuix, Jordi; Imaz, Inhar; Aliaga‐Alcalde, Nuria; Maspoch, Daniel
    Heterobimetallic paddlewheel clusters in coordination polymers formed by a waterinduced singlecrystaltosinglecrystal transformation
    (2016) Chemical Communications, 52 (91), pp. 1339713400,

  22. Berto, Marcello; Casalini, Stefano; Di Lauro, Michele; Marasso, Simone L.; Cocuzza, Matteo; Perrone, Denis; Pinti, Marcello; Cossarizza, Andrea; Pirri, Candido F.; Simon, Daniel T.; Berggren, Magnus; Zerbetto, Francesco; Bortolotti, Carlo A.;Biscarini, Fabio
    Biorecognition in Organic Field Effect Transistors Biosensors: The Role of the Density of States of the Organic Semiconductor
    (2016) Analytical Chemistry, 88 (24), pp. 12330‐12338
    Also included in RL5

  23. Cabrera‐Gonzalez, Justo; Cabana, Laura; Ballesteros, Belen; Tobias, Gerard; Nunez, Rosario
    Highly Dispersible and Stable Anionic Boron ClusterGraphene Oxide Nanohybrids 
    (2016) ChemistryA European Journal, 22 (15), pp. 5096+
    Also included in RL5

  24. Alkorta, Ibon; Mata, Ignasi; Molins, Elies; Espinosa, Enrique
    Charged versus Neutral HydrogenBonded Complexes: Is There a Difference in the Nature of the Hydrogen Bonds?
    (2016) ChemistryA European Journal, 22 (27), pp. 9226‐9234

  25. Poater, Jordi; Sola, Miquel; Vinas, Clara; Teixidor, Francesc 
    Huckel's Rule of Aromaticity Categorizes Aromatic closo Boron Hydride Clusters
    (2016) ChemistryA European Journal, 22 (22), pp. 7437‐7443

  26. Lloveras, Vega; Badetti, Elena; Wurst, Klaus; Chechik, Victor; Veciana, Jaume; Vidal‐Gancedo, Jose
    Magnetic and Electrochemical Properties of a TEMPOSubstituted Disulfide Diradical in Solution, in the Crystal, and on a Surface
    (2016) ChemistryA European Journal, 22 (5), pp. 1805‐1815

  27. Cabrera‐Gonzalez, Justo; Vinas, Clara; Haukka, Matti; Bhattacharyya, Santanu; Gierschner, Johannes; Nunez, Rosario
    Photoluminescence in CarboraneStilbene Triads: A Structural, Spectroscopic, and Computational Study
    (2016) ChemistryA European Journal, 22 (38), pp. 13588‐13598

  28. Etcheverry‐Berrios, Alvaro; Olavarria, Ignacio; Perrin, Mickael L.; Diaz‐Torres, Raul; Jullian, Domingo; Ponce, Ingrid; Zagal, Jose H.; Pavez, Jorge; Vasquez, Sergio O.; van der Zant, Herre S. J.; Dulic, Diana; Aliaga‐Alcalde, Nuria; Soler, Monica 
    Multiscale Approach to the Study of the Electronic Properties of Two Thiophene Curcuminoid Molecules
    (2016) ChemistryA European Journal, 22 (36), pp. 12808‐12818

  29. Oleshkevich, Elena; Teixidor, Francesc; Choquesillo‐Lazarte, Duane; Sillanpaa, Reijo; Vinas, Clara 
    Carboranylphosphinic Acids: A New Class of Purely Inorganic Ligands
    (2016) ChemistryA European Journal, 22 (11), pp. 3665‐3670

  30. Buss, Felix; Schmidt‐Hansberg, Benjamin; Sanyal, Monamie; Munuera, Carmen; Scharfer, Philip; Schabel, Wilhelm; Barrena, Esther
    Gaining Further Insight into the Solvent AdditiveDriven Crystallization of BulkHeterojunction Solar Cells by in Situ Xray Scattering and Optical Reflectometry
    (2016) Macromolecules, 49 (13), pp. 4867‐4874
    Also included in RL1

  31. Wood, Sebastian; Rigas, Grigorios‐Panagiotis; Zoladek‐Lemanczyk, Alina; Blakesley, James C.; Georgakopoulos, Stamatis; Mas‐Torrent, Marta; Shkunov, Maxim; Castro, Fernando A.
    Precise Characterisation of Molecular Orientation in a Single Crystal FieldEffect Transistor Using Polarised Raman Spectroscopy
    (2016) Scientific Reports, 6, 33057

  32. Zhang, Qiaoming; Leonardi, Francesca; Casalini, Stefano; Temino, Ines; Mas‐Torrent, Marta
    High performing solutioncoated electrolytegated organic fieldeffect transistors for aqueous media operation
    (2016) Scientific Reports, 6, 39623

  33. Noori, Mohammed; Aragones, Albert C.; Di Palma, Giuseppe; Darwish, Nadim; Bailey, Steven W. D.; Al‐Galiby, Qusiy; Grace, Iain; Amabilino, David B.; Gonzalez‐Campo, Arantzazu; Diez‐Perez, Ismael; Lambert, Colin J.
    Tuning the electrical conductance of metalloporphyrin supramolecular wires 
    (2016) Scientific Reports, 6, 37352

  34. Munoz, Jose; Riba‐Moliner, Marta; Brennan, Lorcan J.; Gun'ko, Yurii K.; Cespedes, Francisco; Gonzalez‐Campo, Arantzazu; Baeza, Mireia
    Amperometric thyroxine sensor using a nanocomposite based on graphene modified with gold nanoparticles carrying a thiolated betacyclodextrin
    (2016) Microchimica Acta, 183 (5), pp. 15791589

  35. Rabaca, Sandra; Oliveira, Sandrina; Santos, Isabel C.; Gama, Vasco; Belo, Dulce; Lopes, Elsa B.; Canadell, Enric; Almeida, Manuel
    Polymorphism and Superconductivity in Bilayer Molecular Metals (CNBEDTTF)4I3
    (2016) Inorganic Chemistry, 55 (20), pp. 10343‐10350
    Also included in RL2

  36. Filatre‐Furcate, Agathe; Bellec, Nathalie; Jeannin, Olivier; Auban‐Senzier, Pascale; Fourmigue, Marc; Iniguez, Jorge; Canadell, Enric; Briere, Benjamin; Vinh Ta Phuoc; Lorcy, Dominique
    SingleComponent Conductors: A Sturdy Electronic Structure Generated by Bulky Substituents
    (2016) Inorganic Chemistry, 55 (12), pp. 6036‐6046
    Also included in RL3

  37. Cabrera‐Gonzalez, Justo; Sanchez‐Arderiu, Victor; Vinas, Clara; Parella, Teodor; Teixidor, Francesc; Nunez, Rosario
    RedoxActive MetallacarboraneDecorated Octasilsesquioxanes. Electrochemical and Thermal Properties
    (2016) Inorganic Chemistry, 55 (22), pp. 11630‐11634

  38. Hussain, Hadeel; Torrelles, Xavier; Cabailh, Gregory; Rajput, Parasmani; Lindsay, Robert; Bikondoa, Oier; Tillotson, Marcus; Grau‐Crespo, Ricardo; Zegenhagen, Jorg; Thornton, Geoff
    Quantitative Structure of an Acetate Dye Molecule Analogue at the TiO2Acetic Acid Interface
    (2016) Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120 (14), pp. 7586‐7590
    Also included in RL3

  39. Rudnev, Alexander V.; Franco, Carlos; Crivillers, Nuria; Seber, Gonca; Droghetti, Andrea; Rungger, Ivan; Pobelov, Ilya V.; Veciana, Jaume; Mas‐Torrent, Marta; Rovira, Concepcio
    A redoxactive radical as an effective nanoelectronic component: stability and electrochemical tunnelling spectroscopy in ionic liquids
    (2016) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18 (40), pp. 27733‐27737

  40. Calmettes, Bastien; Estrampes, Nicolas; Coudret, Christophe; Roussel, Thomas J.; Faraudo, Jordi; Coratger, Roland
    Observation and modeling of conformational molecular structures driving the selfassembly of triadamantyl benzene on Ag(111)
    (2016) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18 (30), pp. 20281‐20289

  41. Silva, Rafaela A. L.; Santos, Isabel C.; Lopes, Elsa B.; Rabaca, Sandra; Vidal‐Gancedo, Jose; Rovira, Concepcio; Almeida, Manuel; Belo, Dulce 
    DTTTF Salts with [Cu(dcdmp)2](): The Richness of Different Stoichiometries
    (2016) Crystal Growth & Design, 16 (7), pp. 3924‐3931

  42. Fontanet, Monica; Rodriguez, Montserrat; Fontrodona, Xavier; Romero, Isabel; Teixidor, Francesc; Vinas, Clara; Aliaga‐Alcalde, Nuria 
    Carving a 1D CoIIcarboranylcarboxylate system by using organic solvents to create stable trinuclear molecular analogues: complete structural and magnetic studies
    (2016) Dalton Transactions, 45 (27), pp. 10916‐10927

  43. Riba‐Moliner, Marta; Avarvari, Narcis; Amabilino, David. B.; Gonzalez‐Campo, Arantzazu; Gomez, Andres 
    Distinguishing between Mechanical and Electrostatic Interaction in Single Pass Multi Frequency Electrostatic Force Microscopy Measurements on a Molecular Material
    (2016) Langmuir, 32 (51), pp. 13593‐13599

  44. Campos, Antonio; Oxtoby, Neil; Galindo, Sergi; Pfattner, Raphael; Veciana, Jaume; Bromley, Stefan T.; Rovira, Concepcio; Mas‐Torrent, Marta
    Structural and electronic characterisation of piextended tetrathiafulvalene derivatives as active components in fieldeffect transistors
    (2016) CrystEngComm, 18 (33), pp. 6149‐6152

  45. Riba‐Moliner, Marta; Gomez‐Rodriguez, Andres; Amabilino, David B.; Puigmarti‐Luis, Josep; Gonzalez‐Campo, Arantzazu 
    Functional supramolecular tetrathiafulvalenebased films with mixed valences states
    (2016) Polymer, 103 (), pp. 251‐260

  46. Liu, Jianxi; Paradinas, Markos; Heinke, Lars; Buck, Manfred; Ocal, Carmen; Mugnaini, Veronica; Woell, Christof 
    Film Quality and Electronic Properties of a SurfaceAnchored MetalOrganic Framework Revealed by using a Multitechnique Approach
    (2016) ChemElectroChem, 3 (5), pp. 713‐718

  47. Desbief, Simon; di Lauro, Michele; Casalini, Stefano; Guerin, David; Tortorella, Silvia; Barbalinardo, Marianna; Kyndiah, Adrica; Murgia, Mauro; Cramer, Tobias; Biscarini, Fabio; Vuillaume, Dominique
    Electrolytegated organic synapse transistor interfaced with neurons 
    (2016) Organic Electronics, 38 (), pp. 21‐28 
    Also included in RL5

  48. Lopez‐Periago, Ana; Lopez‐Dominguez, Pedro; Perez Barrio, Jorge; Tobias, Gerard; Domingo, Concepcion 
    Binary supercritical CO2 solvent mixtures for the synthesis of 3D metalorganic frameworks
    (2016) Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 234, pp. 155‐161
    Also included in RL5

  49. Munoz‐Gomez, J. L.; Monteagudo, E.; Lloveras, V.; Parella, T.; Veciana, J.; Vidal‐Gancedo, J.
    Optimized polarization buildup times in dissolution DNPNMR using a benzyl amino derivative of BDPA
    (2016) RSC Advances, 6 (32), pp. 27077‐27082

  50. Casado‐Montenegro, Javier; Marchante, Elena; Crivillers, Nuria; Rovira, Concepcio; Mas‐Torrent, Marta
    Donor/Acceptor Mixed SelfAssembled Monolayers for Realising a MultiRedoxState Surface
    (2016) ChemPhysChem, 17 (12), pp. 1810‐1814

  51. Miranzo, Pilar; Lopez‐Mir, Laura; Roman‐Manso, Benito; Belmonte, Manuel; Osendi, M. Isabel; Ocal, Carmen
    Prominent local transport in silicon carbide composites containing insitu synthesized threedimensional graphene networks
    (2016) Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 36 (13), pp. 3073‐3081

  52. Vela, Sergi; Souto, Manuel; Ratera, Imma; Rovira, Concepcio; Veciana, Jaume 
    Understanding the Influence of the Electronic Structure on the Crystal Structure of a TTFPTM Radical Dyad
    (2016) Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 120 (51), pp. 10297‐10303

  53. Medjanik, K.; Chernenkaya, A.; Kozina, X.; Nepijko, S. A.; Ohrwall, G.; Foury‐Leylekian, P.; Alemany, P.; Schoenhense, G.; Canadell, E.; Pouget, J. ‐P.
    NearEdge Xray Absorption Fine Structure Investigation of the QuasiOneDimensional Organic Conductor (TMTSF)(2)PF6
    (2016) Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 120 (43), pp. 8574‐8583

  54. Badetti, Elena; Lloveras, Vega; Romano, Francesco; Di Lorenzo, Rosalia; Veciana, Jaume; Vidal‐Gancedo, Jose; Zonta, Cristiano; Licini, Giulia
    Discrimination of Octahedral versus Trigonal Bipyramidal Coordination Geometries of Homogeneous TiIV, VV, and MoVI Amino Triphenolate Complexes through Nitroxyl Radical Units
    (2016) European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 0 (31), pp. 4968‐4973

  55. Audouard, Alain; Fortin, Jean‐Yves; Vignolles, David; Laukhin, Vladimir N.; Kushch, Nataliya D.; Yagubskii, Eduard B.
    New insights on frequency combinations and 'forbidden frequencies' in the de Haasvan Alphen spectrum of k(ET)2Cu(SCN)2
    (2016) Journal of PhysicsCondensed Matter, 28 (27), 275702

  56. Garcia, G.; Preda, I.; Diaz‐Hijar, M.; Tornio‐Marquez, V.; Pena‐Rodriguez, O.; Olivares, J.; Bosia, F.; Pugno, N. M.; Picollo, F.; Giuntini, L.; Sordini, A.; Olivero, P.; Lopez‐Mir, L.; Ocal, C. 
    Micro and nanopatterning of singlecrystal diamond by swift heavy ion irradiation
    (2016) Diamond and Related Materials, 69, pp. 17

  57. Planas, Jose Giner; Teixidor, Francesc; Vinas, Clara 
    N,OType CarboraneBased Materials
    (2016) Crystals, 6 (5), 50

  58. Alemany, Pere; Canadell, Enric; Pouget, Jean‐Paul
    Charge transfer and 2kF vs. 4kF instabilities in the NMPTCNQ molecular metal and (NMP)x(Phen)1xTCNQ solid solutions
    (2016) EPL, 113 (2), 27006

  59. Ying Tsang, Min; Teixidor, Francesc; Vinas, Clara; Choquesillo‐Lazarte, Duane; Aliaga‐Alcalde, Nuria; Giner Planas, Jose
    Synthesis, structures and properties of iron(III) complexes with (ocarboranyl)bis(2hydroxymethyl)pyridine: Racemic versus meso
    (2016) Inorganica Chimica Acta, 448, pp. 97‐103

  60. Abrishamkar, Afshin; Paradinas, Markos; Bailo, Elena; Rodriguez‐Trujillo, Romen; Pfattner, Raphael; Rossi, Rene M.; Ocal, Carmen; deMello, Andrew J.; Amabilino, David B.; Puigmarti‐Luis, Josep 
    Microfluidic Pneumatic Cages: A Novel Approach for Inchip Crystal Trapping, Manipulation and Controlled Chemical Treatment
    (2016) JOVEJournal of Visualized Experiments, 0 (113), e54193

  61. Laukhina, E.; Lebedev, V.; Rovira, C.; Laukhin, V.; Veciana, J. 
    Attractive mechanical properties of a lightweight highly sensitive bi layer thermistor: polycarbonate/organic molecular conductor
    (2016) 5th International Conference on Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers (ICMAST2015), 108, 12050

  62. Laukhin, V.; Lebedev, V.; Laukhina, E.; Rovira, C.; Veciana, J. 
    Highly sensitive multilayer pressure sensor with an active nanostructured layer of an organic molecular metal
    (2016) 5th International Conference on Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers (ICMAST2015), 108, 12038

  63. Temiño, Ines; Del Pozo, Freddy G.; Ajayakumar, M. R.; Galindo, Sergi; Puigdollers, Joaquim; Mas‐Torrent, Marta 
    A Rapid, LowCost, and Scalable Technique for Printing StateoftheArt Organic FieldEffect Transistors
    (2016) Advanced Materials Technologies, 1 (5), 1600090

  64. de Oliveira, Rafael Furlan; Casalini, Stefano; Cramer, Tobias; Leonardi, Francesca; Ferreira, Marystela; Vinciguerra, Vincenzo; Casuscelli, Valeria; Alves, Neri; Murgia, Mauro; Occhipinti, Luigi; Biscarini, Fabio 
    Watergated organic transistors on polyethylene naphthalate films
    (2016) Flexible and Printed Electronics, 1 (2), 25005

  65. Lebedev, Victor; Laukhina, Elena; Laukhin, Vladimir; Somov, Andrey; Baranov, Alexander; Rovira, Concepcio; Veciana, Jaume 
    Approach to Engineering the Temperature Sensing Etextile: A Lightweight Thermistor as an Active Sensing Element
    (2016) Internet of Things: IOT Infrastructures, IOT 360, PT II, 170, pp. 223‐234

  66. Souto, Manuel; Bendixen, Dan; Jensen, Morten; Diez‐Cabanes, Valentin; Cornil, Jerome; Jeppesen, Jan O.; Ratera, Imma; Rovira, Concepcio; Veciana, Jaume
    Synthesis and Characterization of EthylenedithioMPTTFPTM Radical Dyad as a Potential Neutral Radical Conductor
    (2016) Magnetochemistry, 2 (4), 46

  67. Diaz‐Torres, Raul; Menelaou, Melita; Gonzalez‐Campo, Arantzazu; Teat, Simon J.; Carolina Sanudo, E.; Soler, Monica; Aliaga‐Alcalde, Nuria
    Comparative Magnetic Studies in the Solid State and Solution of Two Isostructural 1D Coordination Polymers Containing CoII/NiIICurcuminoid Moieties
    (2016) Magnetochemistry, 2 (3), 29



  1. Nunez, Rosario; Tarres, Marius; Ferrer‐Ugalde, Albert; de Biani, Fabrizia Fabrizi; Teixidor, Francesc
    Electrochemistry and Photoluminescence of Icosahedral Carboranes, Boranes, Metallacarboranes, and Their Derivatives
    (2016) Chemical Reviews, 116 (23), pp. 14307‐14378
    Also included in RL4

  2. Nunez, R.; Romero, I.; Teixidor, F.; Vinas, C.
    Icosahedral boron clusters: a perfect tool for the enhancement of polymer features
    (2016) Chemical Society Reviews, 45 (19), pp. 5147‐5173
    Also included in RL1

  3. Grimaldi, N.; Andrade, F.; Segovia, N.; Ferrer‐Tasies, L.; Sala, S.; Veciana, J.; Ventosa, N.
    Lipid‐based nanovesicles for nanomedicine
    (2016) Chemical Society Reviews, 45 (23), pp. 6520‐6545

  4. Rodriguez‐Hermida, Sabina; Tsang, Min Ying; Vignatti, Claudia; Stylianou, Kyriakos C.; Guillerm, Vincent; Perez‐Carvajal, Javier; Teixidor, Francesc; Vinas, Clara; Choquesillo‐Lazarte, Duane; Verdugo‐Escamilla, Cristobal; Peral, Inmaculada; Juanhuix, Jordi; Verdaguer, Albert; Imaz, Inhar; Maspoch, Daniel; Giner Planas, Jose 
    Switchable Surface Hydrophobicity‐Hydrophilicity of a Metal‐Organic Framework
    (2016) Angewandte Chemie‐International Edition, 55 (52), pp. 16049‐16053

  5. Nazari, Marziyeh; Rubio‐Martinez, Marta; Tobias, Gerard; Barrio, Jorge Perez; Babarao, Ravichandar; Nazari, Fatemeh; Konstas, Kristina; Muir, Benjamin W.; Collins, Stephen F.; Hill, Anita J.; Duke, Mikel C.; Hill, Matthew R.
    Metal‐Organic‐Framework‐Coated Optical Fibers as Light‐Triggered Drug Delivery Vehicles
    (2016) Advanced Functional Materials, 26 (19), pp. 3244‐3249

  6. Faraudo, Jordi; Andreu, Jordi S.; Calero, Carles; Camacho, Juan
    Predicting the Self‐Assembly of Superparamagnetic Colloids under Magnetic Fields
    (2016) Advanced Functional Materials, 26 (22), pp. 3837‐3858

  7. 210. Serpell, Christopher J.; Rutte, Reida N.; Geraki, Kalotina; Pach, Elzbieta; Martincic, Markus; Kierkowicz, Magdalena; De Munari, Sonia; Wals, Kim; Raj, Ritu; Ballesteros, Belen; Tobias, Gerard; Anthony, Daniel C.; Davis, Benjamin G. 
    Carbon nanotubes allow capture of krypton, barium and lead for multichannel biological X‐ray fluorescence imaging
    (2016) Nature Communications, 7, 13118

  8. Garcia‐Mendiola, Tania; Bayon‐Pizarro, Victoria; Zaulet, Adnana; Fuentes, Isabel; Pariente, Felix; Teixidor, Francesc; Vinas, Clara; Lorenzo, Encarnacion
    Metallacarboranes as tunable redox potential electrochemical indicators for screening of gene mutation
    (2016) Chemical Science, 7 (9), pp. 5786‐5797

  9. Cabana, Laura; Bourgognon, Maxime; Wang, Julie T. ‐W.; Protti, Andrea; Klippstein, Rebecca; de Rosales, Rafael T. M.; Shah, Ajay M.; Fontcuberta, Josep; Tobias‐Rossell, Ester; Sosabowski, Jane K.; Al‐Jamal, Khuloud T.; Tobias, Gerard 
    The Shortening of MWNT‐SPION Hybrids by Steam Treatment Improves Their Magnetic Resonance Imaging Properties In Vitro and In Vivo
    (2016) Small, 12 (21), pp. 2893‐2905

  10. Yu, Siming; Peralvarez‐Marin, Alex; Minelli, Caterina; Faraudo, Jordi; Roig, Anna; Laromaine, Anna 
    Albumin‐coated SPIONs: an experimental and theoretical evaluation of protein conformation, binding affinity and competition with serum proteins 
    (2016) Nanoscale, 8 (30), pp. 14393‐14405

  11. Spinato, Cinzia; de Garibay, Aritz Perez Ruiz; Kierkowicz, Magdalena; Pach, Elzbieta; Martincic, Markus; Klippstein, Rebecca; Bourgognon, Maxime; Wang, Julie Tzu‐Wen; Menard‐Moyon, Cecilia; Al‐Jamal, Khuloud T.; Ballesteros, Belen; Tobias, Gerard; Bianco, Alberto 
    Design of antibody‐functionalized carbon nanotubes filled with radioactivable metals towards a targeted anticancer therapy
    (2016) Nanoscale, 8 (25), pp. 12626‐12638

  12. Patino, Tania; Soriano, Jorge; Amirthalingam, Ezhil; Duran, Sara; Gonzalez‐Campo, Arantzazu; Duch, Marta; Ibanez, Elena; Barrios, Leonardo; Antonio Plaza, Jose; Perez‐Garcia, Lluisa; Nogues, Carme 
    Polysilicon‐chromium‐gold intracellular chips for multi‐functional biomedical applications
    (2016) Nanoscale, 8 (16), pp. 8773‐8783

  13. Giannotti, Marina I.; Abasolo, Ibane; Oliva, Mireia; Andrade, Fernanda; Garcia‐Aranda, Natalia; Melgarejo, Marta; Pulido, Daniel; Corchero, Jose L.; Fernandez, Yolanda; Villaverde, Antonio; Royo, Miriam; Garcia‐Parajo, Maria F.; Sanz, Fausto; Schwartz, Simo, Jr. 
    Highly Versatile Polyelectrolyte Complexes for Improving the Enzyme Replacement Therapy of Lysosomal Storage Disorders
    (2016) ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8 (39), pp. 25741‐25752

  14. Guignard, Guillaume; Llor, Nuria; Molins, Elies; Bosch, Joan; Amat, Mercedes
    Enantioselective Total Synthesis of Fluvirucinin B‐1
    (2016) Organic Letters, 18 (8), pp. 1788‐1791

  15. Bastos‐Gonzalez, Delfi; Perez‐Fuentes, Leonor; Drummond, Carlos; Faraudo, Jordi 
    Ions at interfaces: the central role of hydration and hydrophobicity
    (2016) Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 23, pp. 19‐28

  16. Cano‐Garrido, Olivia; Sanchez‐Chardi, Alejandro; Pares, Silvia; Giro, Irene; Tatkiewicz, Witold I.; Ferrer‐Miralles, Neus; Ratera, Imma; Natalello, Antonino; Cubarsi, Rafael; Veciana, Jaume; Bach, Alex; Villaverde, Antonio; Aris, Anna; Garcia‐Fruitos, Elena
    Functional protein‐based nanomaterial produced in microorganisms recognized as safe: A new platform for biotechnology
    (2016) Acta Biomaterialia, 43, pp. 230‐239

  17. Yu, Si‐Ming; Gonzalez‐Moragas, Laura; Milla, Maria; Kolovou, Androniki; Santarella‐Mellwig, Rachel; Schwab, Yannick; Laromaine, Anna; Roig, Anna
    Bio‐identity and fate of albumin‐coated SPIONs evaluated in cells and by the C. elegans model
    (2016) Acta Biomaterialia, 43, pp. 348‐357

  18. Berto, Marcello; Casalini, Stefano; Di Lauro, Michele; Marasso, Simone L.; Cocuzza, Matteo; Perrone, Denis; Pinti, Marcello; Cossarizza, Andrea; Pirri, Candido F.; Simon, Daniel T.; Berggren, Magnus; Zerbetto, Francesco; Bortolotti, Carlo A.; Biscarini, Fabio 
    Biorecognition in Organic Field Effect Transistors Biosensors: The Role of the Density of States of the Organic Semiconductor 
    (2016) Analytical Chemistry, 88 (24), pp. 12330‐12338
    Also included in RL4

  19. Cabrera‐Gonzalez, Justo; Cabana, Laura; Ballesteros, Belen; Tobias, Gerard; Nunez, Rosario
    Highly Dispersible and Stable Anionic Boron Cluster‐Graphene Oxide Nanohybrids
    (2016) Chemistry‐A European Journal, 22 (15), pp. 5096+,
    Also included in RL4

  20. Cabrera, Ingrid; Abasolo, Ibane; Corchero, Jose L.; Elizondo, Elisa; Gil, Pilar Rivera; Moreno, Evelyn; Faraudo, Jordi; Sala, Santi; Bueno, Dolores; Gonzalez‐Mira, Elisabet; Rivas, Merche; Melgarejo, Marta; Pulido, Daniel; Albericio, Fernando; Royo, Miriam; Villaverde, Antonio; Garcia‐Parajo, Maria F.; Schwartz, Simo, Jr.; Ventosa, Nora; Veciana, Jaume 
    α‐Galactosidase‐A‐Loaded Nanoliposomes with Enhanced Enzymatic Activity and Intracellular Penetration
    (2016) Advanced Healthcare Materials, 5 (7), pp. 829‐840

  21. Camci‐Unal, Gulden; Laromaine, Anna; Hong, Estrella; Derda, Ratmir; Whitesides, George M. 
    Biomineralization Guided by Paper Templates
    (2016) Scientific Reports, 6, 27693

  22. Lopez‐Periago, Ana; Vallcorba, Oriol; Domingo, Concepcion; Ayllon, Jose A. 
    Hollow Microcrystals of Copper Hexafluoroacetylacetonate‐Pyridine Derivative Adducts via Supercritical CO2 Recrystallization
    (2016) Crystal Growth & Design, 16 (3), pp. 1725‐1736

  23. Penon, Oriol; Marin, Maria J.; Amabilino, David B.; Russell, David A.; Perez‐Garcia, Lluisa
    Iron oxide nanoparticles functionalized with novel hydrophobic and hydrophilic porphyrins as potential agents for photodynamic therapy
    (2016) Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 462, pp. 154‐165

  24. Desbief, Simon; di Lauro, Michele; Casalini, Stefano; Guerin, David; Tortorella, Silvia; Barbalinardo, Marianna; Kyndiah, Adrica; Murgia, Mauro; Cramer, Tobias; Biscarini, Fabio; Vuillaume, Dominique 
    Electrolyte‐gated organic synapse transistor interfaced with neurons
    (2016) Organic Electronics, 38, pp. 21‐28
    Also included in RL4

  25. Salerno, Aurelio; Guarino, Vincenzo; Oliviero, Olimpia; Ambrosio, Luigi; Domingo, Concepcion 
    Bio‐safe processing of polylactic‐co‐caprolactone and polylactic acid blends to fabricate fibrous porous scaffolds for in vitro mesenchymal stem cells adhesion and proliferation
    (2016) Materials Science & Engineering C‐Materials for Biological Applications, 63 (), pp. 512‐521

  26. Lopez‐Periago, Ana; Lopez‐Dominguez, Pedro; Perez Barrio, Jorge; Tobias, Gerard; Domingo, Concepcion
    Binary supercritical CO2 solvent mixtures for the synthesis of 3D metal‐organic frameworks
    (2016) Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 234, pp. 155‐161
    Also included in RL4

  27. Bustos, Carlos; Molins, Elies; Carcamo, Juan‐Guillermo; Aguilar, Marcelo N.; Sanchez, Christian; Moreno‐Villoslada, Ignacio; Nishide, Hiroyuki; Zarate, Ximena; Schott, Eduardo 
    A family of substituted hydrazonoisoxazolones with potential biological properties
    (2016) New Journal of Chemistry, 40 (3), pp. 2156‐2167

  28. Carreno, A.; Gacitua, M.; Fuentes, J. A.; Paez‐Hernandez, D.; Penaloza, J. P.; Otero, C.; Preite, M.; Molins, E.; Swords, W. B.; Meyer, G. J.; Manuel Manriquez, J.; Polanco, R.; Chavez, I.; Arratia‐Perez, R.
    Fluorescence probes for prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells using Re(CO)3+ complexes with an electron withdrawing ancillary ligand
    (2016) New Journal of Chemistry, 40 (9), pp. 7687‐7700

  29. Domenech, Berta; Ziegler, Kharla; Vigues, Nuria; Olszewski, Wojciech; Marini, Carlo; Mas, Jordi; Munoz, Maria; Muraviev, Dmitri N.; Macanas, Jorge 
    Polyurethane foams doped with stable silver nanoparticles as bactericidal and catalytic materials for the effective treatment of water 
    (2016) New Journal of Chemistry, 40 (4), pp. 3716‐3725

  30. Bastos‐Arrieta, Julio; Munoz, Jose; Vigues, Nuria; Muraviev, Dmitri N.; Cespedes, Francisco; Mas, Jordi; Baeza, Mireia; Munoz, Maria 
    Intermatrix synthesis of Ag, AgAu and Au nanoparticles by the galvanic replacement strategy for bactericidal and electrocatalytically active nanocomposites
    (2016) New Journal of Chemistry, 40 (12), pp. 10344‐10352

  31. Lu, C. Y.; Puig, T.; Obradors, X.; Ricart, S.; Ros, J. 
    Ultra‐fast microwave‐assisted reverse microemulsion synthesis of Fe3O4@SiO2 core‐shell nanoparticles as a highly recyclable silver nanoparticle catalytic platform in the reduction of 4‐nitroaniline 
    (2016) RSC Advances, 6 (91), pp. 88762‐88769
    Also included in RL2

  32. Davydova, N. K.; Sinitsyna, O. V.; Sergeev, V. N.; Perevyazko, I.; Laukhina, E. E.
    Towards DNA sensing polymers: interaction between acrylamide/3‐( N,Ndimethylaminopropyl)‐acrylamide and DNA phage lambda at various N/P ratios
    (2016) RSC Advances, 6 (63), pp. 58212‐58217

  33. Punzi, Angela; Maiorano, Eliana; Nicoletta, Francesca; Blasi, Davide; Ardizzone, Antonio; Ventosa, Nora; Ratera, Imma; Veciana, Jaume; Farinola, Gianluca Maria
    1,2,3‐Triazole‐Diketopyrrolopyrrole Derivatives with Tunable Solubility and Intermolecular Interactions
    (2016) European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 0 (15), pp. 2617‐2627

  34. Hassan, Shabir; Bhat, Anha; Bhonde, Ramesh R.; Lone, Museer A. 
    Fighting Diabetes: Lessons from Xenotransplantation and Nanomedicine
    (2016) Current Pharmaceutical Design, 22 (11), pp. 1494‐1505

  35. Del Castillo‐Santaella, Teresa; Maldonado‐Valderrama, Julia; Faraudo, Jordi; Martin‐Molina, Alberto
    Specific Ion Effects in Cholesterol Monolayers
    (2016) Materials, 9 (5), 340

  36. Martincic, Markus; Frontera, Carlos; Pach, Elzbieta; Ballesteros, Belen; Tobias, Gerard
    Synthesis of dry SmCl3 from Sm2O3 revisited. Implications for the encapsulation of samarium compounds into carbon nanotubes
    (2016) Polihedron, 116, pp. 116‐121

  37. Soldevila‐Sanmartin, Joan; Ayllon, Jose A.; Calvet, Teresa; Font‐Bardia, Merce; Domingo, Concepcion; Pons, Josefina
    Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of a Cu(II) paddle‐wheel complex with mixed bridges
    (2016) Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 71, pp. 90‐93
    Also included in RL1

  38. Kareev, IE; Nekrasov, VM; Dutlov, AE; Bubnov, VP; Martynenko, VM; Laukhina, EE; Veciana, J; Rovira, C.
    Determination of molar extinction coefficients for endohedral metallofullerene Dy@C‐82(C‐2v)
    (2016) Russian Chemical Bulletin 65 (10), 2421‐2424

  39. Sanchez‐Sala, Marta; Portoles‐Gil, Nuria; Vallcorba, Oriol; Domingo, Concepcion; Lopez‐Periago, Ana; Ayllon, Jose A.
    Green Synthesis of Copper Triflusalate and Pyridine Adducts 
    (2016) Chemistryselect, 1 (21), pp. 6692‐6699

  40. Pericas, Alex; Jimenez, Ruben; Granados, Albert; Shafir, Alexandr; Vallribera, Adelina; Roglans, Anna; Molins, Elies
    Lanthanides‐pybox: An Excellent Combination for Highly Enantioselective Electrophilic alpha‐Amination of Acyclic beta‐Keto Esters. Isolation of Ternary Pybox/Ln/beta‐Keto Ester Complexes
    (2016) Chemistryselect, 1 (14), pp. 4305‐4312

  41. Kierkowicz, Magdalena; Pach, Elzbieta; Santidrian, Ana; Tobias‐Rossell, Ester; Kalbac, Martin; Ballesteros, Belen; Tobias, Gerard 
    Effect of Steam‐Treatment Time on the Length and Structure of Single‐Walled and Double‐Walled Carbon Nanotubes
    (2016) ChemNanoMat, 2 (2), pp. 108‐116

  42. Laukhin, Vladimir; Lebedev, Victor; Laukhina, Elena; Somov, Andrey; Baranov, Alexander; Rovira, Concepcio; Veciana, Jaume 
    Fabrication and Application of Low Cost Flexible Film‐Based Sensors to Environmental and Biomedical Monitoring Scenarios
    (2016) Internet of Things: IOT Infrastructures, IOT 360, PT II, 170, pp. 203‐216

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José Antonio Gómez 
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