
Anna Laromaine

 Award Fundación l’Óreal-UNESCO “For Women in Science”.

Xavier Obradors

IFW Dresden Leibniz Medal Price for his task as a Scientific Advisory Board of this institution. 10 October 2016. 

Teresa Puig and Xavier Obradors

Premi Ciutat de Barcelona 2015 de Ciències experimentals i Tecnologia

Enikö György and Ángel Pérez del Pino

Awarded with the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM) Scientist medal for the year 2016 due to their notable and outstanding contribution in the field of Advanced Materials Science and Technology.

Mariano Campoy Quiles

Cleantech Camp Third prize for the Project Trasnobattery, in the entrepreneurship program Cleantech Camp organized by Barcelona Activa. 28 September 2016.

Josep Fontcuberta

IEEE Magnetics Society 2016 Distinguished Lecturer. He delivered more than 60 Lectures on "The Magnetism of oxides"  at  Conferences, Workshops, Research Centers and Universities, worldwide during 2016.

Victor Lebedev and Jaume Veciana

Victor Lebedev and Jaume Veciana from ICMAB, Dr. Anna Magraso, from ICN2, and Fredi Fernández, specialist in marketing:
Second Prize in the Program “Generación d’Idees”, organized by the UAB Research Park (PRUAB) for the ICMAB OISensing The award counts with 1500 € and 3 months incubation time at Eureka building. The project develops a new material called BL (Bi-Layer) Film, organic and sensitive to infrared radiation, for the detection of far away objects.

Elena Oleshkevich

Award at the IX Trobada de joves investigadors dels Països Catalans. “Carboranylphosphinic acids: a new class of purely inorganic ligands. Synthesis, characterization and application”. E. Oleshkevich; F. Teixidor; C. Viñas. January 2016.

Luiz F. Pinto

GERMN-RSEQ Award to the Best PhD Thesis in RMN and their applications. Supervisor: E. Fernández Megía.

Elena Oleshkevich

Euroboron7 Awards. First Oral Presentation of Young Scientists Award.

Ana Begoña Buades

Euroboron7 Awards. Second Poster Presentation of Young Scientists Award.

Isabel Fuentes

Euroboron7 Awards. Finalist in the Oral Presentation of Young Scientists Award.

PhD Extraordinary Awards

Pol Sallés

"Xavier Domingo" Award for his Bachelor Thesis “TIO2/Au nanoparticles on bacterial cellulose substrates for photocatalytic applications” carried out in the Nanoparticles and Nanocomposites Group. Supervisor: Anna Roig.

Davide Blasi

Best Short Talk Award at the XIXth Internation Krutyn Summer School, with his presentation "Fluorescent Organic Nanoparticles based on Inert Carbon Free-Radicals".

Carles Miravitlles

New President of the Organizing Committee of the EXPOMINER Conference, devoted to Mineralogy, Fossils and Natural Materials.

Rosa Palacin and Anna Roig

Alexandre Ponrouch

ERC Starting Grant

Núria Aliaga, Massimiliano Stengel and Gerard Tobias

Article in which the SIESTA method is explained

An ICMAB article chosen as one of the most influential of the past 50 years. The article in which the SIESTA method is explained, has been chosen first place within the more important articles published in the Journal of Physics series of journals, from the Institue of Physics. Article: The SIESTA method for ab initio order-N materials simulation (2002) Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 14, 11. It had at that time a total of 21317 downloads and 4850 citations.

ICMAB Scientfic Impact

ICMAB Scientific Impact reaches the milestone of 100.000 citations. On 21 April 2016, the 276 documents published reached an average of 23.39 cites per paper.


ICMAB: Certificate of Excellence “Severo Ochoa”

Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona
Campus de la UAB 08193 Bellaterra, SPAIN
Tel: +(34) 935 801 853
Fax: +(34) 935 805 729
Alejandro Santos 
Anna May-Masnou
Graphic Design
José Antonio Gómez

José Antonio Gómez 
Albert Moreno