Strategic Priority Actions

  • Talent attraction, recruiting and training: this action includes pen calls for competitive projects within the center (Frontier Interdisciplanary Projects), the attraction and recruiting of talent, short research stays and summer schools, workshops organized by each research line, and training courses within the ICMAB. 

  • Mobility actions and internationalization: this action includes strengthening the scientific collaboration with top research centers, increasing inbound and outbound international mobility of excellent scientists, enhancing the participation of ICMAB researchers in networks and decision making bodies, enhancing the relationship with industrial partners with potential for collaboration or technology transfer activities, and organizing international conferences and events.

  • Invigorate the knowledge transfer program, and the communication and outreach: this action includes strengthening the national and international recognition of ICMAB, developing and implementing an outreach plan addressing three main areas: scientific vocations, scientific culture, and media and industry, assisting researchers in transmitting the results of their research to the general public, enhancing ICMAB online presence and help reaching high potential future researchers to the Center, and transmitting the importance of frontier research in materials science to the society.

Frontier Inderdisciplinary Projects (FIPs)

The FIP projects belong to a Strategic Priority Action within the FUNMAT SO programme. They are the first internal competitive calls in ICMAB, and are aimed to develop new cutting-edge research concepts and ideas with potential for technological innovation, and to the early detection of new areas of knowledge and radical new technologies that may end up in the market. According to the SAB, they constitute a very efficient allocation of resources favoring the performance of young researchers.

The 2016 FIP projects were granted to:

  • Nora Ventosa for “New fluorescent water-dispersabe colloidal nanoparticles for advanced bio-imagind and theranostic application” (FLOWERS)
  • Dino Tonti for “Development of semisolid electrolytes for Zn/O2 flow cells based on suspended graphene nanohybrids” (FLOWGRAPH)
  • Núria Crivillers for “Switchable organic molecules for the fabrication of electronic devices and memories” (GAIN)
  • Núria Aliaga for “Curcuminoid-MOF-based systems to control the electronic response by reliable micoscaled hybrid transistors obtained using sustainable CO2 methods” (MOFTrans)
  • Mariona Coll for “Nanoengineering of perovskite ferroelectric oxides for next generation solar cells” (NANOSOLE)
  • Ferran Macià for “Functional magnonic crystals: manipulating dynamical magnetic states in nanostructures with surface acoustic waves” (SPINSURF)


An interesting Severo Ochoa action is the formation of three new commissions on Recruiting, Seminars and Training, and Gender. These commissions are integrated by members of each research lines and with the support of the Severo Ochoa project managers, and are added to the already existing commissions: Health & Safety, Computing, Gases and Waste Management.


Recruiting: attract junior and senior scientists with outstanding track record on FUNMAT specialties, from Spain and abroad; foster and develop a professional career to promote excellent researchers on FUNMAT specialties.


  • Anna Roig (RL1)
  • Narcís Mestres (RL2)
  • Gervasi Herranz (RL3)
  • Esther Barrena (RL4)
  • Jaume Veciana (RL5)
  • Montse Salas (Support)

Seminars and Training: disseminate the ICMAB research lines; et people know the new researchers incorporated at ICMAB; spread the offer of the Scientific and Technical services available at ICMAB; offer periodical seminars by renowned national and international researchers. attract top class young scientists with outstanding track record with profiles that will strengthen the RLs and who will support the implementation of the SRP and the consolidation of our center; generate a distinctive and competitive post-graduate and multidisciplinar training program specialized on Advanced Functional Materials and Nanomaterials as the best possible starting platform for a successful career; organize Training Workshops on specific subjects


  • Alejandro Goñi (RL1)
  • Concepción Domingo (RL1)
  • Mariona Coll (RL2)
  • Anna Palau (RL2)
  • Lourdes Fàbrega (RL3)
  • Alberto Pomar (RL3)
  • Rosario Núñez (RL4)
  • Enric Canadell (RL4)
  • Gerard Tobías (RL5)
  • Anna Laromaine (RL5)
  • Montse Salas (Support)

Gender: gender is a cross-cutting issue and is mainstreamed in all European and national projects, ensuring a more integrated approach to research and innovation. The objectives of the Gender Commission are based on the strategy on gender equality of Horizon 2020:

  • Fostering gender balance in research teams, in order to close the gaps in the participation of women.
  • Ensuring gender balance in decision-making, in order to reach the target of 40% of the under-represented sex in panels and groups and of 50% in advisory groups.
  • Integrating the gender dimension in research and innovation (R&I) content, helps improve the scientific quality and societal relevance of the produced knowledge, technology and/or innovation.

The Gender Commission created within the Severo Ochoa project has the goal of recognizing and strengthening equal opportunities within the Institute. It organizes  workshops and activities to raise awareness, and has sponsored the creation of a mailbox that anyone studying or working at ICMAB can use (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), with the aim of making anyone feel safe and protected in front of physical or psychological situations of harassment that are gender related.


  • Núria Aliaga
  • Nieves Casañ
  • Anna Crespi
  • Carlos Frontera
  • Enrique Irisarri
  • Ángel Pérez
  • Susagna Ricart
  • Pietat Sierra

Severo Ochoa Events

Actions to foster synergy increase within ICMAB and third parties, including workshophs, summer schools, technical meetings and internal seminars. 

  • ICMAB FUNMAT Biweekly Seminars
  • Organic Electronics Meeting (ORGI2015), (RL4)
  • NANOSELECT NOE Annual Meeting, 8-10 June 2016 (RL1, RL2, RL3)
  • Self Assembly Workshop (SELF2016), 21-22 June 2016
  • 2nd Scientific Meeting of BNC-b Students, 29-30 June 2016
  • European Multifunctional Materials Institute: EMMI, 5 July 2016
  • NFFA Summer School, 18-22July 2016
  • Manuel CARDONA memorial seminar, 22 July 2016
  • Strategies Towards Achieving a top level of Scientific Excellence at the UAB campus, 17 October 2016
  • Scientific Advisory Board Meeting, 21-22 November 2016

Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona
Campus de la UAB 08193 Bellaterra, SPAIN
Tel: +(34) 935 801 853
Fax: +(34) 935 805 729
Alejandro Santos 
Anna May-Masnou
Graphic Design
José Antonio Gómez

José Antonio Gómez 
Albert Moreno