Technology Transfer

One of the main missions of ICMAB is to transfer the knowledge acquired to the society. This is achieved by transferring technology to industries, universities and other research centers, through patents, publications, spin-offs, and by establishing different collaborations with them.
  • Collaborations Worlwide

  • Collaborations with Industry

  • Collaborations with Universities and Research Centers

  • Collaborations with Technology Centers:

    • Eurecat: Technology Cener of Catalonia, working in more than 160 projects of applied R&D in the sectors of food, health, energy and resources, industrial systems, sustainable mobility, and cultural issues.  (
    • Leitat: founded in 1906, Technology Center collaborating with more than 30 countries and developing more than 215 projects in biotechnology, health, advanced materials, industrial chemistry, renewable energies and new production processes. (
    • LABEIN Tecnalia: created in 1955, one of the major private technology center in Spain, specialized in construction, energy, environment, steel industry, innovation systems and motor industry. (
  • Collaborations with Technology Platforms and Clusters

    Technology Platforms

    Industry-led stakeholder fora recognised as key actors in driving innovation, knowledge transfer and competitiveness. They develop research and innovation agendas and roadmaps for action at EU and national level to be supported by both private and public funding. By working effectively together, they also help deliver solutions to major challenges of key concern to citizens such as the ageing society, the environment and food and energy security.

    ICMAB participates in the following Technology Platforms:

    National Technology Platforms:
    PTE: Plataforma Tecnologica de la Energía
    Futured: Plataforma Española de Redes Eléctricas ()
    GIA: Grupo Interplataformas de Almacenamiento

    European Technology Platforms:
    EERA: European Energy Research Alliance / Joint Program on Energy Storage / Subprogram SP5: Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (Materials, Technology, Applications) Coordinator: X. Granados (CSIC, Spain)


    Advanced Materials Cluster (Clúster MAV)
    Association with the aim of promoting and contributing to the competitiveness of industries and institutions in the Advanced Materials field in Catalunya. It is formed by 35 industries and institutions.

  • Patents

    • A core-shell composition for purifying contaminated water and/or biological-medical systems such as tissues, cells or blood.
      PCT/EP16/071841. ICMAB. J. C. Martínez Boubeta; Ll. Balcells Argemí.
    • A process of obtainment of an n-type organic semiconductor by UV-Vis irradiation.
      PCT/EP16/078459. ICMAB. B. Walter Dorling; C. Müller; M. Campoy-Quiles; A. R. Goñi Tasada.
    • Compositions and methods of making and uses thereof.
      62/299939. ICMAB. J. Veciana Miró; N. Ventosa Rull; L.P. Ferrer Tasies
    • Device and method for mapping ferroelectric and/or piezoelectric samples.
      ICMAB. M.T. Puig Molina; M. Gich Garcia; A. Gómez Rodríguez; F.X. Obradors Berenguer.
    • Device for detecting fraud in meters and related method.
      PCT/EP16/058934. Licensed. ICMAB, IMB-CNM. Carrabina Bordoll; J.Palmer Paricio; J.A.J. Granados Garcia; S. Ricart Miró.
    • Materiales de electrodo basados en molibdeno para baterías de calcio regargables.
      201500889. Licensed. ICMAB. M.R. Palacín Peiró; A. Ponrouch.
    • Materiales de electrodo basados en molibdeno para baterías de calcio recargables.
      PCT/EP16/057426. ICMAB. A. Ponrouch; M.R. Palacín Peiró
    • Método para la regeneración de tejidos vegetales dañados.
      ICMAB, CRAG. A. Laromaine Sagué; N. Sánchez Coll
    • Métodos de fabricación de láminas delgadas de óxidos epitaxiales mediante impresión de chorro de tinta.
      201690070. ICMAB. M. Vilardell Navarro; M.T. Puig Molina; V. Roxana Vlad; S. Ricart Miró; F.X. Obradors Berenguer; A. Calleja Lázaro; J.A.J. Granados Garcia.
    • Minimally-invasive continuous clinical monitoring of small molecules with analytical accuracy.
      62/412879. ICMAB. J. Vidal Gancedo; V. Lloveras Monserrat.
    • Stable fluorescent nanovesicles, method for obtaining them and uses therof.
      16382392. ICMAB. L. Ventosa Rull; A. Ardizzone; J. Veciana Miró

    *Only researchers from CSIC are stated
  • Spin-off companies

Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona
Campus de la UAB 08193 Bellaterra, SPAIN
Tel: +(34) 935 801 853
Fax: +(34) 935 805 729
Alejandro Santos 
Anna May-Masnou
Graphic Design
José Antonio Gómez

José Antonio Gómez 
Albert Moreno