Future Prospects

ICMAB carries out materials science research at the highest level, and has established and maintained a vibrant activity in materials science and engineering. We have high quality research groups and infrastructures, high level students and postdocs, and enthusiastic personnel. We like the work we are doing and we have the belief that we are collectively engaged to do our job well done.

During these 31 years the Institute has evolved in many different aspects, and it is not now, in these challenging days to come, that we will stop. We keep improving, including exciting research ideas in our research lines, adapting to the society, and thinking forward, to meet the future interests and necessities, and even exploring future materials and ideas that are only beginning to see the light.

Some of our near future actions include:

  • With the possibility to expand our offices and laboratories to the MATGAS building, we have improved the limited laboratory and office space available, and we can surely incorporate brilliant new young scientists. This expansion will still continue during the year 2017.
  • Moreover, thanks to an agreement between the CSIC (ICMAB, IBMB), the BIST and the ALBA Synchrotron, a shared electron microscopy facility is planned to open at ALBA, fostering in this way common facilities between different institutions and collaborations between us.
  • We plan to fully implement the actions scheduled in the Severo Ochoa FUNMAT Strategic Plan and to develop novel opportunities raised by this programme during the following years. During 2017, the Communication and Technology Transfer of the center will be invigorated, and in close collaboration with the Strategic Managing Unit of the Severo Ochoa programme.
  • In addition, we are planning on implementing a strategy to renew the scientific and support staff.
  • We plan to obtain funding from different organisms to help us develop our public engagement and science education activities (i.e. Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology, FECYT; the Barcelona Institute of Culture, ICUB; etc.).
  • The Centers of Excellence Severo Ochoa and Units of Excellence Maria de Maeztu, supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, will participate in a joint network to increase the visibility and international recognition of the Severo Ochoa Programme, and of the centers and units distinguished with this label of Excellence

Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona
Campus de la UAB 08193 Bellaterra, SPAIN

Tel: +(34) 935 801 853
Fax: +(34) 935 805 729
Alejandro Santos 
Anna May-Masnou
Graphic Design
José Antonio Gómez

José Antonio Gómez 
Albert Moreno