Department of Information Technology

The IT Service manages all the computer systems and the data network of the ICMAB, placing them at the service for the researchers and management staff. The IT Sevice is formed by Joan Figuerola, Ángel Elbaz, Javier Rubio, Albert Moreno and José Antonio Gómez

The objectives of the IT Service are:

  • To define the general action plans in the field of IT and communications at the ICMAB
  • To ensure that the Institute has the necessary tools for its computing development
  • To define, install and maintain the computer systems hosted by the ICMAB and the data network
  • To define, install and distribute the specific software for management
  • To coordinate the functionally of the Distributed Computing Services
  • To ensure the reliability, integrity, and security of the data, systems and communications.

IT Service is in charge of:

  1. Managing the computer network of the ICMAB, wired and wireless (eduroam, ICMAB and guests)
  2. Managing computer systems and servers to provide the necessary services, such as e-mail servers (5 virtual servers), and web servers (3 physical servers to provide services to about 100 websites)
  3. Managing and maintaining virtual private networks, which give us access from the outside to the computer services of the ICMAB
  4. Managing the telephone of the ICMAB, which involves both the virtual PBX servers, the ad-hoc telephony network and the physical and virtual telephony terminals.
  5. Developing web applications necessary for the operation of internal services (billing, purchasing, personal management, management of experiments, etc.) and their maintenance.
  6. Developing websites for the institute, departments, projects, etc. (~ 100) and maintaining them updated, mainly with the content managers Joomla and Wordpress
  7. Developing websites for the registration and payment for conferences, workshops and events in general
  8. Maintenaning the social networks of the Institute
  9. Defining and applying both passive and active IT security measures. This involves active maintenance of the firewall rules and a permanent update of antivirus and anti-malware systems.
  10. Managing the necessary servers for scientific software.
  11. Managing all purchases related to computer science. Drafting and generating the necessary files for hardware and software purchases.
  12. Giving support to users
  13. Hardware maintenance of the servers, network electronics and personal computers, both personal PCs and laptops
  14. Desining the posters, website banners, flyers and other corporative material. 

Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona
Campus de la UAB 08193 Bellaterra, SPAIN
Tel: +(34) 935 801 853
Fax: +(34) 935 805 729
Alejandro Santos 
Anna May-Masnou
Graphic Design
José Antonio Gómez

José Antonio Gómez 
Albert Moreno